Click here to book a time for us to Zoom meet and see if I can help
(Note: This will be a relaxed conversation/exploration with no commitment from either side.)
I don’t know for sure, and that’s why we need to meet: to figure out if what I’ve got is a fit for your lead generation needs.
To that end, I invite you to click the link and find a time for us to have a conversation about what you need and what I’ve got and to see if we have a fit.
But if you find yourself asking if I’m the right person, then read on while I strut my street creds…
Experience: I’m a forty-five-year veteran of marketing professional services. In that time, I’ve developed a breadth and depth of expertise in ‘marketing the invisible’ that is rarely rivalled the world over. And nothing, and I do mean nothing, is a substitute for in-the-trenches experience.
Credentials: I’ve written five books on marketing and three of them are bestsellers. I’ve also spoken on global stages and platforms at conferences and summits both large and small. In short, I continue to ‘walk the marketing talk’. My advice is in demand.
Results: Over just the last five years I’ve generated new clients in 151 cities around the world and my lead generation system continues to generate qualified new client inquires virtually every week of every year.
Client Success: But all of that is me. And it means nothing unless I can prove to you beyond a reasonable doubt that my clients also enjoy an abundance of new client success. And that’s why you’ll find ample testimonials here so you can confirm that my methods can also equip you with a method that will bring in bank-account-boosting results, month in and month out, for the life of your business.
My Done-For-You clients tend to be mature business owners who are cautious when it comes to hiring someone to help them with their marketing. Partly that’s just the nature of successful people and partly it’s because they’ve already been burnt by investing in marketing ideas that burnt time and money for no return.
So yes, I get it: you likely want to know how my OPN lead generation method works and why it works so well.
Once you have that information, you’ll feel more confident about booking a time to explore further.
When we create a Done-For-Lead generation system in your business, there are five stages that we work out way through.
Firstly, we articulate your Competitive Advantage in such a way that when your offer is in front of an Ideal Client, it gets ‘cut-through’ and motivates that person to want to know more.
Second, we build your Content Marketing Asset (CMA) which will attract fresh subscribers to your email list. The type of CMA varies depending on your Ideal Client Profile but very often we build out a short webinar because that is often the best way to attract prospects who are prepared to put some ‘skin in the game’ (time) which is a sign that they are serious about solving the problem that you can help them with.
Third, we build your Audience generation system, and this always involves setting up a tool (supplied) for identifying, qualifying and approaching your ideal OPN Marketing Partners. These are people who are targeting the same market segment as you and who are motivated to share your CMA with their subscribers in exchange for reciprocation. (And don’t sweat it if you don’t have an email list because we can fix that too.)
Fourth, we set up your Call-To-Action system including the new client inquiry booking system, linking your prospects details to your CRM and your calendar booking system.
Lastly, we Train you and/or your team to launch and run the whole system so you can enjoy a flow of highly qualified, new client inquiries, most weeks of the year. And we’ll hang around until you’re ready for us to take the ‘training wheels’ off.
The hard work is setting everything up; and me and my team do 90% of that. Once the OPN system is up and running, you can keep it pumping out the leads in as little as two hours a week.
At this point it all sounds pretty good, right?
So now you may be hoping that my DFY service is within your budget.
And yes, my services are (reassuringly) expensive but for many clients, we can spread fees out, so that when Leadsology® DFY starts generating new clients, your fees become self-funding.
This means that not only is your Return On Investment likely to be literally US$100,000s annually, but that you also benefit by a part of that investment being self-funded from new clients.
Frankly, if you can find a better offer than that, you should take it.
Absolutely. We’ll be setting out every step of the project using Asana which is our go-to project management platform. You and your nominated team members will be invited to the project and you’ll be able to see the every step of the five stages being built, any time you choose to log in and inspect. By way of illustration,
Not a lot. We need you and/or your team to set up web pages such as webinar registration pages, links to your CRM and booking calendar app and such like but we’ll be writing all the copy for these, and my team of techies will be on call to walk you or your team member through the process if needed.
Mostly, you’ll need to make yourself available for around 30 minutes ever week or two so we can download all relevant information from your brain and into the OPN system that we are building out for your business. This downloading process is important so that the OPN system that we put in place has your DNA infused all through out. These short meetings will also enable us to keep you updated on progress.
And assuming that we are going to use a short webinar for your Content Marketing Asset (likely) then we’ll need you to record the presentation with us supplying the slides and script.
Lastly, we’ll need you and any relevant team members to be available for training which, because our system is so simple to run, we can do in weekly hour-long meetings over the last month of our engagement. You’ll also need to give our team, admin access to your website or we can provide copy and pages for your admin person to set up.
The most important thing you can do right now is to make a decision to either book a time for us to explore or to reach out to someone else whom you think would be able to help you with your marketing.
Booking a time for us to meet is fine.
Reaching out to someone else is fine.
Going away and ‘thinking about it’ – not so fine.
Here’s why…
I can’t guarantee that I can help you (I’ll only know that when we meet), but I can guarantee you, 100%, that if you don’t take action, nothing will change in your lead-generation world.
So ‘Carpe Diem’.
Tom Poland