Use any one of our marketing methods and you will add at least US$5,000 to your monthly revenue. If not, then we’ll cheerfully gift you US$2,500.
A set of clear and simple terms and conditions may be viewed on the next page.
Here’s a summary of my irresistible offer:
I’m Tom Poland and I’m the guy who invested over 25 years developing the entire vault of marketing methods that you likely became aware of from one of my best-selling marketing books or widely acclaimed webinars and interviews.
And if that’s the case you’re probably checking out my outrageously generous offer that’s designed to motivate you to finally end the anxious days and sleepless nights of new-client-uncertainty by investing just US$495 a month for three months in my Leadsology® marketing methods.
I literally guarantee that when you put even just one of my methods in place, you’ll finally be able to end the stress that so often goes with Random Acts of Marketing and not having a proven, predictable lead generation system in place.
And when you become a Member of our Leadsology® Community you’ll have access to not just one, but to all ten revenue-boosting methods for a full 90 days.
And if over the next 90 days, “life happens” and you need more time to implement my methods, we’ve got you covered with our Membership Extension capped price offer. Simply keep paying your monthly fee at the same level at which you started, and we’ll extend your access for as long as you need.
And if you need to take a breather and pause after 90 days, we have an option for that as well.
Here’s just some of the proven growth methods that you’ll have access to:
Price Stretching Strategies Previously sold $995 (launch in 7 days)