1. Bulk leads monthly
2. New client inquiries weekly
3. 30-day, risk-free test drive


Price on application but typically $50,000 (cash flow options). If you'd like to explore this, please book at and note "DFY" when you book.

Frequently asked questions:

Simple: when you enroll in Leadsology®, you pay nothing for 30 days. If within that 30-day period you decide that Leadsology® is not for you – for any reason – then simply email with a copy to (just to make sure someone sees your email) and I’ll arrange an immediate, no questions asked, cancellation of your membership. And this agreement will be clearly stated on the terms and conditions that you’ll be able to view when you enroll, and you’ll be emailed a copy for your records to. With our famous 30 day risk-free test drive, you don’t have to trust us until you’ve seen for yourself that we’re the real deal.

You’ll be implementing three systems into your business: the AUDIENCE System, the ASSET System and the ACTION System.

The AUDIENCE system will create a fresh group of qualified prospects every week, without any significant cost either via our OPN Method (or perhaps LinkedIn if you are targeting executives). This is going to not only grow your email subscriber list, but it will also give you a fresh AUDIENCE every month for your Content Marketing Asset (see below).

The ASSET system is the free but valuable content that prospects (see Audience system above) each month in which is embedded your Call To Action, being a link where each prospect can book a time to zoom call with you about becoming a client. Depending on your preferred style and your Ideal Client Profile, that Asset may be a webinar or a downloadable Guide or Survey or other form of Content Marketing Asset.

The ACTION system kicks in when you meet with highly qualified prospects to talk about working together. This Filtering method system makes sure the right people reach out, so that you are only meeting with those people who are well educated about your services and also highly motivated to work with you.

You’ll move through each short lesson in our pro-designed online course that will guide you through how to implement the Leadsology® AUDIENCE, ASSET and ACTION systems. Each part is broken down into a series of small steps, complete with guides, checklists, templates, samples and examples. (I’ve invested over $100,000 with pro-designers of online courses to make all of this easier, simpler and faster to implement than ever before!)

And regardless of which Leadsology® level you join, every month you’ll be able to attend a “Town Hall” session that Tom Poland hosts where he’ll personally answer your questions and offer guidance. You’ll also be given Tom’s mobile phone number as his way of assuring you that whilst we believe that our support is world class, you can reach out to him at any time if for any reason you feel stuck.

And if you opt for our Extra or Elite level programs, then you’ll also be invited to attend a live Implementation Support Session (via Zoom) with a Leadsology® Instructor to help you implement what you’ve been exploring in the online course. These group support calls are hands-on question and answer sessions and can also include reviews of your work.

Extra and Elite membership, also gives you a dedicated 24/7 messaging channel where you can reach out to a Leadsology® Instructor with questions as well as accessing our Client Community Center (on Slack) to interact with other clients.

Leadsology® is not a “Do It Yourself” program, it’s a “Done With You” program. And it’s also not a training program, it’s an implementation program.

That’s a world of difference, because while training programs can equip you with the know-how, only implementation gets the lead generation systems embedded into your business so you get tangible results.

We’ve created three different membership levels so you can choose the level that works best for you, your organization, and your budget:

  • Leadsology® Essential gives you full access to our pro-designed course as well as a monthly invitation to my personally hosted Town Hall so that I can answer your questions and offer advice. Essential is designed for budget conscious businesses.
  • Leadsology® Extra is best suited to businesses that are ready to grow and scale more quickly. You’ll enjoy full access to our pro-designed online course as well as weekly Implementation Support Sessions (Zooom), plus a dedicated Leadsology® Instructor and access to our Client Community Center where you can not only send messages to your Instructor 24/7 but also to direct message other Leadsology® clients for discussions, mutual support, profitable OPN swaps, and other email-list growing and new-client-generating activities.
  • Leadsology® Elite is perfect for businesses looking to maximize growth and profit FAST, while minimizing time spent marketing. This level gives you everything in the Essential and Extra levels, plus a 30-minute private, one-on-one Zoom call each week with your dedicated Instructor to ensure that your priorities are in line with your goals, your next steps are clear, and you’re always working smarter, not harder.

And remember, regardless of which membership level you choose, you’ll get Tom Poland’s mobile number. That’s his way of letting you know he cares about your progress and if any time you don’t feel well supported just reach out to him. Tom is happy for you to have it — and with the amount of support you get in this program, you’ll almost certainly never need to call him!

Client Testimonials

Still reading? Welcome!

Hopefully most of your questions will have new been answered but please read on if you’d like to discover more about why our clients in 151 cities around the world regard Leadsology® as their best option when it comes to embedding lead generation systems into their professional services business.

Reason #1: Our famous 30-day risk-free test drive.

Most people selling courses or coaching expect you to trust them.

You pay money up front, then you dive only to discover that what you bought is not going to achieve what you’ve hoped for.

And even if the offer came with a money back guarantee, who wants to have to ask for their money back?

Far better if you pay nothing, dive in and confirm that we’re simply fabulous (blush) and then start paying.

And that’s why I offer a 30-day, risk-free test drive. So you can enjoy full access to our pro-designed course and our world is called Support EcoSystem and then you can decide if Leadsology® is for you.

And at ANY time during the first 30 days, for ANY reason (“my husband doesn’t like the color?” 😊) you want to cancel, simply email with a copy to (to make sure your email gets seen) and we’ll make sure your membership is cancelled with nothing due, owing or payable.

With Leadsology®, you don’t need to trust us until we’ve proven ourselves trustworthy.

And shouldn’t that be the way everyone works?

Reason #2: I’ve got a long track record of successful client results.

It’s only reasonable that I should demonstrate to you a successful track record of helping clients achieve the sort of results that you want to achieve.

And I do mean “results” as in bankable revenue. It’s all very well for someone to have testimonials that talk about how excited someone is about the potential, or what a swell guy/gal the coach or trainer is, but nothing short of a proven track record of successful new client generation should be offered as evidence that a coach or trainer’s methodologies actually work.

You’ll find my track record amply demonstrated and proven by clicking here:

Now, let me be frank with you…

If you can find someone else who can demonstrate bankable client results like the ones you’ll see on the above webpage, then I recommend you research them as a possible option for your lead generation systems.

However, if someone fails to provide evidence of their clients enjoying bankable results, then I’d recommend you steer well clear of them — because it’s highly likely they can’t deliver on their promises.

Reason #3: I bring unparalleled and internationally acclaimed experience.

I’m a six-times published and multiple best-selling marketing author, including “The Science of Being In Demand”, “Marketing The Invisible” and “Other People’s Networks”.

Even prior to the internet and ebooks, I was published in 27 countries. (Yes, there was a time when books were only published physically!)

I’ve also shared international speaking platforms with the likes of Michael Gerber (E-Myth), Richard Koch (80/20 Principle), Marshall Goldsmith, Brian Tracy, Michael Port and many others.

And I’ve been professionally active in sales, marketing and management for more than 41 years (wow, honestly, I don’t feel that old!).

Modesty aside, it would be difficult to find anyone else with this depth, breadth, and specificity of marketing experience.

Perhaps most importantly, my work has attracted clients from 151 different cities around the world.

Reason #4: Leadsology® is specifically for professionals offering a service, advice or software.

This is very important!

Because marketing a service, advice, or software is not like selling coffee or cars. It’s more like a marriage proposal.

That means you need to establish a relationship of significant trust and influence, prior to proposing to a potential ideal client that they talk with you about working together.

With Leadsology®, I show you how to lead a prospective client from “open-minded skepticism” to seeing you as their very best choice, if not their only choice.

I call this the Leadsology® Persuasion Sequence and with that method, I show you how to establish Rapport, Respect, Relatability and Reciprocity with each prospective client, prior to meeting with you to talk about becoming a client.

When you select someone to help you implement lead generation systems, it’s critical that you find a specialist who knows how to generate leads for professionals with intangible offers. If they’re used to working with clients who offer physical, tangible products, they’ll struggle to give you the specialized advice you need to make your lead generation efforts effective.

Reason #5: Leadsology® generates inbound leads.

Every business loves inbound leads, because you don’t have to put anywhere near as much time, money, and energy into them as you would into outbound marketing!

No awkward business networking meetings, no need for cold calling, no manipulative selling techniques, no sending out 10,000 direct mail pieces, and definitely no expensive advertising.

What’s even better is that with the Leadsology® system, your inbound leads are high quality, pre-qualified, and easy to convert into new clients. By the time they make a booking to talk about hiring you, they already know the range of your fees, and they have a reasonable idea of how you work with clients.

That’s what you call a truly qualified prospect — someone who knows exactly what you offer, knows they want it, and is ready to sign up as soon as you give them the OK.

Reason #6: Once you are set up, you initiate nothing.

One of the reasons so many professionals fail to be consistent in their lead generation is simple: they don’t want to do it!

Don’t blame yourself. You might’ve tried to “be more disciplined” and force yourself to do those unenjoyable marketing activities everyone says are crucial… but the reality is that you will do the things that you were born to do, and not the things that someone else says you should do.

You’ve got better things to do with your time, things that are more interesting and more suited to your personality.

Once I’ve shown you how to set up your lead generation systems, then I’ll show you how to outsource 85% of the work to highly motivated, highly skilled contractors — for as little as $25 a week and a monthly performance bonus.

So you get to work WITH your natural skills and style instead of against them. Outsourcing the lead generation work that you prefer not to do will not only free up your time, but also boost your lead generation results.

This is as close to marketing heaven as you’ll ever get: bookings coming in from ideal clients every week, without you hardly lifting a finger. All you have to do is what you do best, which is to show those people how you’ll get the results they want, and then deliver the value once they become clients.

And there’s more: you’ll feel happier and more energized and more fulfilled, because you’ll be doing the core things that you were born to do instead of laboring under the stress of all the things you “should” do.

Reason #7: Leadsology® takes complicated methods and makes them simple.

l’ll be the first to put my hand up and say that some of my proven Leadsology® methods have a lot of moving parts. But everything in Leadsology® is delivered to you broken down into a step-by-simple-step process. I’ll give you guides, templates and examples to make it easier and more effective for you to complete every step.

And that’s not all.

Your highly experienced Leadsology® Instructors will also meet with you personally every week to talk with you and review your work, so that they can give you specific feedback on exactly what you need to do next at every stage.

Leadsology® makes the complicated simple, by breaking down every big task into simpler, shorter and easier-to-accomplish steps. “Click this.” “Send that.” All you need to do is follow along, and within a few weeks you’ll have your whole new lead generation system set up and running perfectly.

Reason #8: You get my highly trained team, and you get my mobile phone number.

A lot of people are surprised to learn that when they invest in Leadsology® they get close and personal attention.

You’re not “outsourced” or delegated to a licensee or franchisee. Instead, I have a select team of well-trained, experienced Leadsology® Instructors to support you and guide you through my program.

And if you select the Extra or Elite membership, not only will your coach meet with you at our live weekly Support Sessions personally, but you’ll also be able to meet with them one on one if you need that.

And get this: I’m so confident that the support you’ll enjoy is world-leading that I’ll also give you my mobile phone number.

The reason I’m comfortable with giving my clients my phone number, regardless of how small or large their investment is that they virtually never need it. That’s because the communication and support systems that you get with Leadsology® are so comprehensive that it’s unlikely you’ll ever need to contact me outside of those options.

But if you’re ever stuck and need guidance beyond what the program already provides, you’ll have my number, and you can call me. (Just bear in mind that I’m in Australia most of the time, so when it’s lunchtime in Los Angeles or dinnertime in Dublin, that’s my 5am and I may still be on my first cup of coffee!)

I think that’s about it! Congrats on making it this far.

If after everything you’ve just read, you want to go right ahead and enroll in our Leadsology® program, click below for the details and enrollment options.

If you’d prefer to have a quick chat with me about your lead generation needs, and whether Leadsology® or someone/something else is a better option for you, then click on the image below to book a call and get more info about what will happen when we chat.


Price on application but typically $50,000 (cash flow options). If you'd like to explore this, please book at and note "DFY" when you book.

Need help? Email
©2024 Leadsology®. All Rights Reserved.

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Monthly Q&A with Tom Poland

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Access to the OPN method

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Access to all 101 online lessons

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Library with 150+ Q&A videos

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Client Communication Center

Exclusive client-only online portal for connecting with other Leadsology® clients

Title sign off by your Instructor

Maximize the magnetic power of your marketing message

PPTX sign off by your Instructor

Have a qualified Leadsology® Instructor review and refine your presentation

Webinar sign off by your Instructor

Have your webinar recording fully reviewed by your qualified Leadsology® Instructor

24/7 Instructor messaging

Enjoy faster response times with 24/7 your own exclusive Instructor messaging portal

Weekly 1:1 Instructor meeting

Meet once a week with your qualified Leadsology® Instructor

LinkedIn Audience System (12 lessons)

Generate leads every month from LinkedIn without even logging in

Sign off on PPTX by Tom Poland

Exclusive access to Tom Poland’s review of your presentation