Access Our Leadsology® Vault And Use Our Simple Methods To Enjoy Quality LEADS FOR LIFE.

Use any one of our marketing methods and you will add at least US$5,000 to your monthly revenue. If not, then we’ll cheerfully refund every cent of your 3 monthly payments. A set of clear and simple terms and conditions may be viewed on the next page.

Here’s a summary of my irresistible offer:
Shaine Spiers Business Strategist

I've made my money back more than 100 times with Leadsology®. Tom Poland's methods really work because he's already done the testing and refining.

Christina Force Business Trainer

Thanks to Tom Poland I'm now generating five times the number of new clients than previously and in less time than I ever thought possible.

Hi there and welcome to Leadsology®!

I’m Tom Poland and I’m the guy who invested over 25 years developing the entire vault of marketing methods that you likely became aware of from one of my best-selling marketing books or widely acclaimed webinars and interviews.

And if that’s the case you’re probably checking out my outrageously generous offer that’s designed to motivate you to finally end the anxious days and sleepless nights of new-client-uncertainty by investing just US$495 a month for three months in my Leadsology® marketing methods.

I literally guarantee that when you put even just one of my methods in place, you’ll finally be able to end the stress that so often goes with Random Acts of Marketing and not having a proven, predictable lead generation system in place.

And when you become a Member of our Leadsology® Community you’ll have access to not just one, but to all ten revenue-boosting methods for a full 90 days.

And if over the next 90 days, “life happens” and you need more time to implement my methods, we’ve got you covered with our Membership Extension capped price offer. Simply keep paying your monthly fee at the same level at which you started, and we’ll extend your access for as long as you need.

And if you need to take a breather and pause after 90 days, we have an option for that as well.

Bri Seeley Business Coach

Marketing always felt manipulative, but Leadsology® methods have integrity, and they work, I just sold $15,000 on my first campaign using Tom's OPN method

Paul Wright Health Business Mentor

Leadsology® is the real deal. I now have a system that delivers new clients every month. Tom Poland's methods have been so successful I've had to grow my team to handle the demand.

Here’s just some of the proven growth methods that you’ll have access to:

(the icons tell you which courses come with our $5,000/month guarantee)

Other People’s Networks Previously sold for $9,540 (launch in 90 days)
Enjoy a predictable weekly flow of high-quality new client inquiries by embedding my proprietary OPN method into your business.
LinkedIn Previously sold for $7,500 (launch in 60 days)
Use our unique Freelancer method to generate new client inquiries from LinkedIn without using your account or even logging into LinkedIn (without software or automations).
Persuasion Sequence included in OPN above (launch in 60 days)
Create a powerfully motivational presentation using my famous Persuasion Sequence formula, slide by 31 slides. I estimate that this course alone has generated tens of millions in revenue.
Referrals Machine Previously sold for $795 (launch in 30 days)
I reveal the psychology of referrals and 12 proven methods so that both you and your referrers feel super relaxed about the referrals process. Designed to generate 10 referrals per month.
Marketing Message Makeover Previously $495 (launch in 30 days)
We work with you to express your Magic in a powerfully motivating Message that you can use anywhere that your ideal client gathers, including online or physical meetings.
New Client Inquiry Consult included in OPN above (launch in 30 days)
My other courses show you how to generate inquiries, this course shows you how to convert them. This is a relaxed, authentic and zero pressure method that works a charm.

Price Stretching Strategies Previously sold $995 (launch in 7 days)

Reveals proven methods for increasing prices and simultaneously attracting better quality clients. I also reveal how you can increase existing clients’ prices with no kickback.
Coursology® Previously sold for $1,995 (launch in 90 days)
A step-by-step course for creating, launching, and filling your online course. Scale your revenue into multiple six, and seven figures, while working a three-day week (like me!)
FAST List Building Previously sold for $495 (launch in 60 days)
Build a quality email list in just six weeks using my simple, step by step method or legally and ethically motivating subscribers from Other People’s Networks to opt-in to your list – in BULK.
Killer Copywriting Course Previously sold for $1,495 (use within 30 days)
In 2009 I shared my secrets for turning words into money on web pages and in emails. This is a recording of that 2 ½ day client-only event that others paid thousands of dollars for.

Frequently asked questions:

(I recommend you print this page out for your records)

You’ll be able to choose from ‘Do It Yourself’ or from a variety of Support Packages including live weekly Zoom calls with our qualified Instructors, 24/7 messaging support and even one-on-one coaching sessions. Our courses are designed so that you can implement on your own, however many choose to add a support package at least to begin with.

Our support packages are very modestly priced compared to other programs and you can upgrade, downgrade, or cease your Support Package from one month to the next by emailing

And if you are ever late in letting us know that you want to cancel your Support Package, and you haven’t accessed support in those few days, we’ll cheerfully refund that month’s payment.

After you enroll on the next page, your web browser will automatically redirect to a page where you can book a “Sequencing Call” with one of our experienced Instructors.

At that Zoom meeting your Instructor will work with you to figure out the best place for you to start and the optimal sequence for you to move through the courses and methods.

Then you can chat about Support Package options. You may decide to DIY or to add a paid Support Package to your Leadsology® Membership. We have a variety of Support Packages that cater for almost everyone’s needs and budget.

Most of our methods are simple and require little or no technology expertise. We’ve invested a lot of money with professional course designers so that putting our methods into place are as simple and as easy as possible. For those methods that require a more sophisticated approach, we have support options available to you.

For our simpler courses and methods there are literally zero additional costs required. For more sophisticated lead generation methods, such as marketing with webinars, you’ll need an online database (CRM platform) such as MailChimp or iContact (which at the time of writing are free for the first 2,000 subscribers). You may choose to use platforms like LeadPages (US$37 per month), but you don’t have to. Likewise for stock images used in a presentation for webinars or conference talks. Otherwise, all you’ll need is internet access and in some cases such as our webinar marketing program, a webcam and microphone.

It depends on the course or method that you are implementing but some, like Price Stretching, Referrals Machine and Marketing Message Makeover can generate results in less than 30 days. Others, like our webinar marketing method, can take more like 90 days to get up and running. As a rough rule of thumb, those methods that generate leads one at a time, are quicker to set up and those methods that generate bulk leads, take a bit longer.
When you enroll, you’ll have access to our entire suite of Leadsology® methods and courses as outlined above. In exchange you’ll simply need to meet your three-monthly payments of US$495 but other than that, there are no lock in contracts. We’ll keep debiting your card for as long as you want access and support but if we debit your card and you haven’t accessed the course or support we’ll issue you an immediate refund so long as you let us know about it within 30 days of the charge. Our policy is that a happy ex-client is always worth the price of a refund. Full details are on the Checkout page.

Almost for sure, but not for you! Once you become a Member of our Leadsology® Community, we guarantee capped monthly fees for as long as you keep your payments current, including any extension of time beyond the 90 days covered by your three-monthly payments of US$495. I will be increasing the monthly fee to US$795 at some point in the future, but I have not yet decided on a date.

Yes, as long as you have opted for one of our Support Packages then our Instructors will be there to help you with what I call ‘Messaging Your Magic’. When you enroll, your web browser will redirect you to a page where you can book a “Sequencing Call” with a qualified Leadsology® Instructor, and at that call you can decide if you want one of our optional Support.

Yes, as long as you have opted for one of our Support Packages then our Instructors will be there to help you with basic technology challenges such as setting up a web page for subscriber opt-ins, or creating animations in a PowerPoint presentation, or where to get images from for a presentation, and much more.
I love this question because it gives me an opportunity to be specific about the fact that I personally care about your progress. Every new client gets my mobile phone number and therefore has access to me personally in the unlikely event that they are not getting the support that they want and need. If that ever happens to you, I want to hear about it. And that’s how I demonstrate that I care about you. I don’t know of anyone else in the world who has built their business to a similar level to mine, who makes themselves personally accountable by providing their mobile phone number.

You’ll find the terms and conditions for my famous $5,000 a month revenue guarantee on the Checkout page and after you enroll, you’ll be sent a copy of them.

But in summary, make an honest effort to put into place any one of my lead generation methods for three consecutive months and if you are not enjoying at least an additional US$5,000 a month within 12 months of your enrollment, we’ll refund every cent of your three US$495 monthly payments. Those courses that come with that guarantee are noted in the icons that correspond to each course. Feel free to print this page out or save it so you have a record.

Around five percent. And that’s worth it for me if it gives you the peace of mind that you need in order to join our Leadsology® Community and move forward in implementing my proven effective lead generation methods. Many of the other 95% go on to implement and enjoy a significant boost to their monthly revenue but of course there are unfortunately a smaller number who simply fail to implement.
The answer to that question would have to be a resounding “yes”. I’ve been creating and marketing lead generation methods professionally since 1995 and I’ve had clients in 151 cities (and counting) worldwide who have bought from me. And when I say that my methods are proven, I hope you agree that I’m putting my money where my mouth is by giving you my famous $5,000 extra revenue per month guarantee.
Rebecca Davidson Intuition Coach

I just ran a Leadsology® webinar and immediately generated 19 new clients at $8,000 each. Tom Poland has set me up with a system of leads for life.

Juan Arreola Business Coach

I ran my first marketing campaign using one of Tom Poland's methods and it generated five new clients and $25,000. In 15 years of marketing nothing has come close to this.

* You can view the simple and clear terms and conditions of my famous $5,000 monthly revenue guarantee by clicking here
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