Killer Referral Machine

How to generate an extra 10 successful new client referrals every month


Implement just 3 of the top 12 referral systems that I recommend and if within 90 days of running those systems, you aren't enjoying at least 10 quality referrals every month then simply email me at and I'll cheerfully refund 100% of your investment.

Ah, the mystery of the successful referral.

How do you get one?

Why does asking for them feel so awkward?

How can you get MORE?

How can you make sure they KEEP coming in?

I’ll tell you… and I should know, because I’ve studied 172 different referral systems. I’ve even personally tested dozens of them.

Out of 172 possibilities, I found 22 referral systems that really work well.

Now I’ll share all of them with you, so that you can cherry-pick the best ones for your business and use them to generate an extra 10 successful new client referrals — not just once, but every month.

My Killer Referral Machine training gives you all the insights and proven systems I’ve discovered during my decades of research and experience.

It doesn’t simply show you how to generate referrals. It shows you how to create successful referrals that turn into ideal clients with a high lifetime value.



(Please note: I can’t promise the price of Killer Referral Machine will stay this low forever. I reserve the right to close enrollment at any time, and if that happens then the next time Killer Referral Machine re-opens the price may be considerably higher.)

When you sign up, you get immediate access to a 38-page referral generation workbook, multiple video lessons, and full MP3 and transcript options for all lessons.

Total training time? A little over 3 hours.

Total cost? Only US$297 for a one year access. Normally sold for US$797.

And the outcome? At least 10 successful new client referrals coming into your business, every month, for as long as you want them. If that sounds good to you, click the button below to enroll. You could have your first new client referrals coming in as soon as next week!

About The Author

Over 2,000 business owners across 193 different industries and 4 continents have been through his programs and many have gone on to add millions to their earnings and their testimonials are available on his website.

Tom’s work has been published in 27 countries and he’s also shared international speaking platforms with the likes of Michael Gerber of the E-Myth fame, Richard Koch from the 80-20 Principle, Brian Tracy and many others.

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