Already an OPN Community member?

Welcome to A Lifetime
Supply of Best JV Match®
Marketing Partners

Hi there and welcome!

The Leadsology® OPN Community is the world’s biggest active and fully transparent community of marketing partners, with over 100 members, fully qualified and ready to promote your offer so you can profit from fresh leads virtually every week of the year and for the rest of your life.

The Community is like having your “Magic Marketing Wand” where you can generate fast revenue by clicking a few links and voila: proven partners are promoting your offer, growing your email list (in bulk) and generating new clients for your business, virtually every week of the year…

… and for the rest of your life!

Click here to go to our application page and view the simple terms and conditions

That’s my vision for the OPN Community: a place where you can easily and quickly set up OPN Swaps with proven marketing partners, month in and month out for decades to come.

By investing less than the cost of dinner for two at a nice restaurant, you can generate new clients in bulk, via our connections inside the OPN Community, month in and month out.

Warning: the OPN Community is genuinely NOT for everyone

Our members are marketing services, advice or software and have a global market and if not, then at least a national target market.

Sorry, but unless you fit that profile, it’s likely that your application will be rejected and any fee that you’ve paid will be immediately and fully refunded.

That’s because OPN Community is all about the best JV Match® partnerships and I am committed to ensuring the integrity of the OPN promise which is all about making sure that members have access to a network of partners that are proven to generate results.

If your OPN Community application is accepted, you’ll enjoy access to our community of over 100 marketing-ready partners including:

Click here to go to our application page and view the simple terms and conditions

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the OPN Community work?

It’s a simple as A, B C:

A. Log in to your membership account and search our OPN Community database by any one or more of our tags including: email list size, JV Juice rating, target market or service offering.

B. Qualify each potential marketing partner further by scanning their Open Rates, Website, content offers (e.g. webinar slides, landing pages for challenges).

C. Use the member’s link to book a time to organize a marketing swap. Meet and confirm that you want to conduct a swap, book the dates and remember to book a meeting to debrief and refer to other partners.

Is there any lock in contract?

Membership is for a minimum of 3 months but after that just give us 7 days notice and we’ll cancel your membership.

Got more questions? Feel free to email me directly

Got more questions?

Feel free to email me directly

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