- Learn how to build your brand through a podcast and raise your authority as an expert in your field with your high-impact content
- Know how to put your expertise on display, tell your story, share your experience, and prove your niche authority
- Learn how to attract your ideal client, set up systematized lead generation and watch as your ideal clients come to you
- The Authority Marketing Playbook: Download the Templates – https://www.callforcontent.com/amp/
Michael Greenberg is the founder Call For Content which is a full-service podcasting agency for content marketing, audience growth, and monetization strategies.
In this episode, Michael shares how to take the first step toward being a global authority and be known for who you are and what you do.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:26 – Michael’s ideal client: A professional who wants to generate revenue through podcasting
- 01:38 – Problem he helps solve: We solve the problem that podcasts are a unique content channel in the way you work with them and the way you work with the people who operate in that ecosystem
- 02:57 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Michael: So, if you are selling to people who are not referred to you and you are in services. If you don’t have content, they are not going to be able to identify that you have authority
- 04:10 – Common mistakes people make when trying to solve that problem: Trying to do it all themselves and failing to get out content that is consistent and looks professional.
- 05:20 – Michael’s Valuable Free Action(VFA):Start learning about your customers.
- 05:49 – Michael’s Valuable Free Resource(VFR):authoritymarketingplaybook.com or callforcontent.com/amp
- 06:50 – Q:”How do you end up doing podcasts?” A: I was a B2B Growth Strategy Consultant before I started doing this and I was consulting with a business podcast network. Then one day they said you should have a show so you understand what we do. They ship me a suitcase full of equipment and they got started the next week.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“Start learning about your customers. That means actually doing market research.” -@gentoftech Share on X “We choose a podcast as the medium because it's the easiest to get in your voice and to prove your authority with.”-@gentoftech Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland: Hello everyone. A very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing The Invisible. My name is Tom Poland. Beaming out to as always from on the sand, a little Castaways Beach, next to the waves in Australia. Joined today by Michael Greenberg. Michael, good day and welcome.
Michael Greenberg:It’s great to be on.
Tom Poland: Where were you…where are you based? Where are you hanging out?
Michael Greenberg:I’m in sunny Denver Colorado.
Tom Poland: Denver Colorado. Do you ski?
Michael Greenberg:Not yet but I will next year.
Tom Poland: Oh you’re a recent arrival?
Michael Greenberg: Yeah. Just this past year.
Tom Poland: Where’d you move from?
Michael Greenberg: St. Louis, Missouri.
Tom Poland: Class workshop.
Michael Greenberg: Yeah.
Tom Poland: Okay. Cool. Well great to have you on your show, on the show. For those of you who don’t know Michael, he’s the founder of Call For Content. Which is a full-service podcasting agency for content marketing, audience growth, and monetization strategies? All three of which I am a great believer in Michael. So really looking forward to this interview, selfishly for my own purposes. I think as much as for our audiences. So, the title is “How to Generate Global Authority”. In just seven minutes. So, tell you how to do that in just seven minutes, you might take a little longer to achieve it. So, Michael let’s rock and roll. I’m going to start my seven-minute countdown timer now. Question number one is, who is your ideal client?
Michael Greenberg: A professional who wants to generate revenue podcasting.
Tom Poland: Perfect. Question number two and almost seven minutes left. What’s the problem you solve?
Michael Greenberg: We solve the problem that podcasts are a unique content channel in the way you work with them and the way you work with the people who operate in that ecosystem. And that most people in podcasting come from creative backgrounds, not marketing or technical ones. So, we come at podcasting from the idea that this is meant to make money and that’s where we start. Instead of we want an audience or we want people to listen, we want the show that generates revenue.
Tom Poland: So it sounds like you combined the creative and the marketing and the commercial and the technical.
Michael Greenberg: Yeah. That’s why we call ourselves full-service podcasting.
Tom Poland: Right. I like that idea of working backward from making the money. Not because we’re all necessarily just mercenaries but you know, it’s not a charity we’re running here, is it?
Michael Greenberg: Yeah. I don’t know any show that runs without time or money.
Tom Poland: Yeah. Time or money, right. OK. So, thank you. I digress a little bit but that’s okay because we still got a whopping five and a half minutes left. Question number three is, what are some of the typical symptoms that people experience when they’re not getting a podcast right or they don’t have authority out in the marketplace? What are they going to be experiencing?
Michael Greenberg: Yeah. So, if you are selling to people who are not referred to you and you are in services. If you don’t have content, they are not going to be able to identify that you have authority. Simply put. That’s the number one symptom that people come to us with. We choose a podcast as the medium because it’s the easiest to get in your voice and to prove your authority with, in my opinion.
Tom Poland: Yes indeed. And so, do people kind of feel like that they’re the world’s best-kept secret before they get to you?
Michael Greenberg: A lot of times we hope that maybe not the best-kept secret. Just one of the really good ones because the best kept are a little difficult to work with sometimes.
Tom Poland: And just quickly, I’m very curious if they sometimes say something like, “I can’t figure out why my competitors are doing so well and I’m not because I’m better than them”. Do you get that a bit?
Michael Greenberg: I get that about every other call.
Tom Poland: Yeah. Okay, cool. I thought so. So, question number four and we’ve got four minutes left. So, people are going to try some stuff to fix that problem of getting their authority out there before they get to your solution. What are some of the common mistakes that people make prior to finding you?
Michael Greenberg: So the big three that we see are not doing any customer research to know who they should actually be targeting. Trying to do it all themselves and failing to get out content that is consistent and looks professional. Or hiring a ghostwriter and not understanding how to work with somebody who’s a ghostwriter. And then getting really angry because they’re not getting the voice right.
Tom Poland: Yeah. Right.
Michael Greenberg: And that was actually one of the iterations of Call For Content. We did a lot more work with interviews, just subject matter expert interviews, turning into the content. And we stopped doing that for all the small pieces because people just could not really understand how to work with the ghostwriters effectively. And we want to learn how to educate them.
Tom Poland: No. Too hard. All right. Thank you for that. Question number five, three minutes left. What’s one valuable free action that an audience member could take that’s going to move them a step closer to solving the problem? They might need you for the whole solution but at least it’s progress.
Michael Greenberg: Start learning about your customers. That means actually doing market research, which there’s a good chance you haven’t done before. I’m willing to bet 90 percent of the time you haven’t done enough market research or any.
Tom Poland: Can you give us a quick heads up on how someone could start that?
Michael Greenberg: Yeah. So, I know this bleeds a little bit into question number six.
Tom Poland: Well go ahead. Question number six is a valuable free resource. So maybe we kill the two birds with one stone.
Michael Greenberg: Yeah. I actually put together a book you can find online at authoritymarketingplaybook.com or callforcontent.com/amp and that’s the authority marketing playbook. It actually walks through the customer research system we use as well as setting up your initial partnerships and creating some content to start getting your authority going.
Tom Poland: Brilliant.
Michael Greenberg: My ideal client, to rephrase number one, has actually already done everything in that book when they come to us because that is just you.
Tom Poland: So folks it’s callforcontent.com forward slash “a”, “m” for Mary, “p” for Peter. And we’ll have the link underneath the video if you’re watching the video blog. It’ll just, go grab it if you listen to the podcast callforcontent.com/amp. So that leaves us with question number seven and we’ve got 80 seconds left for that. What’s the one question I should have asked you but I didn’t?
Michael Greenberg: How do you end up doing podcasts?
Tom Poland: So, how did you end up doing podcasts?
Michael Greenberg: I was a B2B Growth Strategy Consultant before I started doing this and I was consulting with a business podcast network. Then one day they said you should have a show so you understand what we do. They ship me a suitcase full of equipment and they got started the next week.
Tom Poland: Fantastic. And here we are now. So, Michael Greenberg, it’s a great interview. Thank you very much. There’s enough in there for people to move forward. Breakthrough the barriers. Find some release from those symptoms of feeling like they are one of the best-kept secrets. And this free resource callforcontent.com/amp. So, folks go amp up your game and Michael Greenberg thanks so much for showing up.
Michael Greenberg: Thank you for having me on Tom.
Tom Poland: Thanks for checking out our marketing the invisible podcast. If you like what we’re doing here please head over to iTunes to subscribe, rate us, and leave us a review. It’s very much appreciated. And if you want to generate five fresh leads in just five hours then check out www.fivehourchallenge.com.