- Find out how you can get your target market to buy from you through the power of attention psychology
- Learn why being persuasive isn’t going to get you much clients
- Understand the importance of getting your audience’s attention first before marketing your offers
- Want to learn how to hack the human attention algorithm? Click here: www.donnie-bryant.com/attention-algorithm
Have you been trying everything to boost your marketing but nothing seems to be working?
Having the right words isn’t enough to successfully market your products and make your prospects bite the bait. You need to know how to first get their attention especially if the market is full of the same products or services you have to offer.
Donnie Bryant is a 9-figure direct response copywriter and marketing consultant.
Sit back and listen to Donnie as he talks about the importance of shifting your mindset in marketing from persuasion to understanding. He also shares his insights and promising tips on how you can boost your marketing organically with the power of attention psychology.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:53 – Donnie’s ideal client: My ideal clients, I’ve actually, over the years, worked with almost any niche you can think of. These days, I’m primarily working with professionals in financial services and education around stock market investing and stuff like that.
- 02:20 – The problem he helps solve: A lot of entrepreneurs don’t get into business to become marketers. And so what they learn, oftentimes, is an observation that came from a book, or they’re copying what they saw someone else do.
- 04:15 – The symptoms of the problem: The one that I love to say is when there are people you know should be buying from you, but they’re not buying. That’s hint number one.
- 05:08 – Clients’ common mistakes before consulting Donnie: A big mistake that people do is they try to be more persuasive talking about their product. In most cases, you need to change it up and talk about the things that your ideal client is actually concerned about.
- 06:09 – Donnie’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): The one thing you can do, and it’s absolutely free, is get a piece of paper or a spreadsheet, and do a deep dive on who your ideal customers are.
- 07:17 – Donnie’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Want to learn how to hack the human attention algorithm? Click here: www.donnie-bryant.com/attention-algorithm
- 08:03 – Q: You should have asked me about my family. A: I’m a father of four. My youngest just turned a teenager last week. And that’s my pride and joy.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“A big mistake that people do is, they try to be more persuasive talking about their product.” -Donnie Bryant Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Welcome, everyone, to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. I’m Tom Poland beaming out to you from the Sunshine Coast in Australia, joined today by Donnie Bryant. Donnie, good day, sir. Welcome to the show! Where are you hanging out?
Donnie Bryant 00:22
Good day to you. I’m on the sunny shores of Lake Michigan and Chicago, Illinois.
Tom Poland 00:28
Do you have a pretty hot summer?
Donnie Bryant 00:30
Extremely hot! I think yesterday, the heat index was over 100, so that’s a little rare for us.
Tom Poland 00:35
Global boiling rather than cooling. Alright, we’re not gonna get into the politics of that. Folks, Donnie and I have actually known each other for quite a few years now. I was just going through his blog last night, and I just kept getting these light bulb moments where Donnie and his blog were shining the spotlight on one aspect of marketing or sales where it was so apparent that he was the observer of reality– which I think is the most powerful force in marketing available. We all learn from books. We all learn from seminars. We all learn from- and were wise to do that. But there is nothing like the observation of reality– to evolve your marketing, to move forward with your marketing, to progress marketing. So it’s a real pleasure to have you on the show, Donnie! I respect the work you’ve done, and I appreciate your insights. Folks, we’re going to serve you up some more insights Donnie is a nine-figure– do the math, it’s a lot. We’re not including decimal points, a direct response copywriter, and a marketing consultant. The subject of this interview is, “How to Boost Your Marketing with Attention Psychology”. So I’m looking forward to getting into this. Donnie, our seven minutes is going to start now. Question number one, who’s your ideal client?
Donnie Bryant 01:53
I’ll answer the question. But first, let me say, I didn’t get to keep nine figures. Nine figures, my clients have made, I’ve gotten a fraction of that. So my ideal clients, I’ve actually, over the years, worked with almost any niche you can think of. These days, I’m primarily working with professionals in financial services and education around stock market investing and stuff like that.
Tom Poland 02:15
Interesting! So question two is what is the problem you solve for your clients?
Donnie Bryant 02:20
It’s kind of like what you were mentioning before. I think a lot of entrepreneurs don’t get into business to become marketers. And so what they learn, oftentimes, is an observation that came from a book, or they’re copying what they saw someone else do. And there’s some value in modeling. But what I do is I help my clients observe the reality. My clients and I spent a lot of money figuring reality out. So helping them to gain attention, and increase sales through intelligent messaging, marketing, and the in-sales process.
Tom Poland 02:52
And that first little sound right there, gaining attention. That’s probably half the battle, right there, isn’t it? In a world where we are bombarded with marketing messages, and not just marketing messages, all sorts of messages, getting that cut through and getting people to open their eyes a little bit and lean forward.
Donnie Bryant 03:10
I mean, we’re all competing with Netflix– all of us. This podcast today, I can watch this, or I could go watch Breaking Bad or whatever, whatever is popular these days.
Tom Poland 03:22
Not that Breaking Bad’s even a patch on this podcast, but never mind. Yeah, well, we are and that competition for attention. And our brain has a reticular activating system, which is designed to filter out anything that’s completely irrelevant, or we’ve been there and done that, so that’s a big part of the challenges. You mentioned that before we started the call, when I was talking about your blog, and you mentioned the word “different”– you know, wanting to be different. We don’t get to cut through without that. It sounds like that’s a big part of what you sit down and figure out with your clients. It’s not just a message that’s benefit rich, but one is differentiated to the point where it’s no longer “blah, blah, blah”, it’s actually, “Cool. I need to find out more about this, rather than going back to Breaking Bad”. So question three, is typical symptoms people experience who aren’t getting that cut through. So these are the people who are trying to do some sales and marketing before they find you. What’s going on, kind of, gives them a heads up that they should be reaching out to you.
Donnie Bryant 04:15
Yeah, the one that I love to say is when there are people you know should be buying from you, but they’re not buying. That’s hint number one. So you have the exact answer to their question or this exact solution to their difficulty, and you’re in contact with them, but they’re not buying. There’s a disconnect there. Another one is if you were spending your time creating content and marketing your business. And you’re just not getting the results that you like, and you feel like there’s something that you feel like should be working better. That’s usually the people who reach out to me and say, “Hey, how do I get people to pay attention to what I’m doing and to respond?” Those are the questions I get all the time.
Tom Poland 04:50
They’re probably working hard enough and they’ve probably got a great product or great service and the clients they get on board are really happy but feeling a bit frustrated and disappointed that what they’re trying isn’t working. On that subject, that’s question four, what have they tried that was never going to work, prior to engaging your services? The mistakes they’ve made.
Donnie Bryant 05:08
A big mistake that people do is, they try to be more persuasive talking about their product. In most cases, you need to change it up and talk about the things that your ideal client is actually concerned about. And they’re not concerned about your product, they’re concerned about their life. And so that’s where the mistake is. We focus on what they don’t care about because we care about our business, but they don’t care yet.
Tom Poland 05:29
Right. Would you start that conversation in whatever form it is, a sales copy or webinar with, “This is where you’re at?” “Is that something you often do?” “Does this sound like you?”
Donnie Bryant 05:42
In many cases, that’s the best thing for you to do is identify where they’re at. And help them to see that the way that they understand their situation is probably a skew a little bit. And the reason that they’re not having the wonderful results they want, is because they need a change in perspective. And you’re going to give them that change.
Tom Poland 05:58
Perfect! Thank you for that. Let’s give folks, question five is a top tip, one valuable free action. An idea you can give people. It’s probably not going to solve the whole problem. In fact, it won’t, but it might take them a step in the right direction.
Donnie Bryant 06:09
Yeah. And it goes back to what we were just talking about. The one thing you can do, and it’s absolutely free, is get a piece of paper or a spreadsheet and do a deep dive on who your ideal customers are. And think through the emotional process that they go through before they buy from you if they’re gonna buy. What are the dreams and desires that they have? What are the fears and frustrations that they have? What are the pains and the problems that they have? And when you begin to map those out and get to understand what those are, then you can create marketing around those things. And that’s what’s going to stand out and matter to your clients. Again, if you’re talking about the interest rate, you can’t even compete on that. But what you can compete on is a better understanding of where your clients are, or where your potential clients are, and how to get them to where they want to be.
Tom Poland 06:52
Perfect! Thank you for that. 90 seconds left. Question six, one valuable- and, by the way, folks, that sitting down and answering those questions, is going to give you the raw material that you’re going to use in your sales and marketing. It’s an incredibly valuable exercise and-
Donnie Bryant 07:08
But you’ve got to use it, am I right?
Tom Poland 07:10
Pardon me.
Donnie Bryant 07:11
You got to use it though. I know a lot who do the exercise and then they go back to talking about their product.
Tom Poland 07:17
Sometimes people overcomplicate these things. So you’ve got a few years of experience working with clients. You’ll have heard a lot of questions. You’ve had a lot of frustrations expressed probably, it’s just a matter of sitting down in your corner and answering those questions. It keeps it nice and simple because the answer is very obvious, often once you ask the right question. Question six is we want to direct people to more resources and I’m going to give folks the URL right now just for the sake of time. Folks, it’s www.donnie-bryant.com/attention-algorithm. Real quick, Donnie, what are they going to find there?
Donnie Bryant 07:53
It’s a short report that helps you to understand the psychology of what humans pay attention to and how you can tap into that psychology to get more attention for your offers.
Tom Poland 07:56
Perfect! Go get it, folks. I’ve been there. It looks great! 10 seconds left. What’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t?
Donnie Bryant 08:03
You should have asked me about my family. I’m a father of four. My youngest just turned a teenager last week. And that’s my pride and joy.
Tom Poland 08:17
Beautiful! Good luck with those teenage years. It’s fun!
Donnie Bryant 08:21
Yeah, and he thinks he’s an adult already, so this is going to be interesting in the next few years.
Tom Poland 08:25
Oh, when I was 16, my father said to me, “Son, I think you should leave home before you forget everything because you clearly know everything already.” Donnie, thanks so much for your insight. Folks, I hope you replay this interview because there are a lot of golden nuggets in there and we went real fast, but there’s a lot there to digest. Play it again and make sure you get over to donnie-bryant.com/attention-algorithms. Thanks, Donnie. Cheers!
Tom Poland 08:49
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