- Discover how to become a highly-paid speaker and keep your audience hooked with what you have to say
- Understand why you don’t need another certification course to make you good at public speaking
- Expand your network through the magic of public speaking through storytelling
- Want to find out more on how to become a highly-paid speaker? Click here: Expertspeakerbook.com
Do you want to learn how to use your voice to make hundreds of thousands and keep your clients hooked on what you have to say and offer?
Marketing your business or your specialty isn’t always about the ads, it’s also about how you deliver your message. Talk more about the story and less about the teaching.
Majeed Mogharreban is a world-traveling father and professional speaker. Majeed is the Founder of the Expert Speaker Institute, the premier resource for experts to grow their businesses with public speaking.
Sit back and grab a cup of coffee or any drink and listen in to what Majeed has to say about public speaking – from curating the perfect message to delivering it in a way that will keep your clients wanting more!
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:19 – Majeed’s ideal client: My ideal client is a coach or consultant who wants to stand out as a leader in the industry and have a large audience of people who want to hire them for their online course and their coaching programs.
- 02:15 – The problem he helps solve: You know how some people are like the best-kept secret? they’re so good. And when you go to see them, they’re just so good at what they do.
- 03:32 – The symptoms of the problem: Well, they’re really good at what they do, but they say to themselves, “I’m not into sales and marketing”. Or “I’m not good at sales and marketing.”
- 04:16 – Clients’ common mistakes before consulting Majeed: I think the way people approach giving a speech is not optimized for entertainment, and sales. What my clients do, if ever they do give a speech, whether they’re giving a webinar or a podcast interview or making a video for YouTube, or speaking on a stage, they do a little too much teaching and not enough storytelling.
- 05:19 – Majeed’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): So one thing you can do right now that can have a massive impact on your business is book a speaking engagement for yourself. And the way you do that, is you make a list of 10 people that you know that lead groups.
- 06:18 – Majeed’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Want to find out more on how to become a highly-paid speaker? Click here: Expertspeakerbook.com
- 07:08 – Q: You should have asked me what I do first as a speaker. A: You’ll find the answer in the book.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“Storytelling makes speeches engaging and entertaining, and ends up driving way more sales.” -Majeed Mogharreban Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Welcome, everyone, to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. I’m Tom Poland, joined today by Majeed Mogharreban. Majeed, a very warm welcome, sir. How are you doing and where are you hanging out?
Majeed Mogharreban 00:20
Thank you, Tom. I’m in Ottawa, Canada, the capital of Canada.
Tom Poland 00:23
Ottawa, Canada. And a very warm welcome, as I said. Folks, for those of you who don’t know Majeed, he’s a world-traveling father. He’s been pretty much all around Australia. For example, he’s seen more of Australia than I have, and I live here, and, no doubt, a lot of other countries as well. In addition to being a world-traveling father, which must be quite a juggling act, he’s a professional speaker. But not only is he a professional speaker, he can also show you how to be a professional speaker because he’s the founder of the Expert Speaker Institute. It’s the premier source for experts to grow their business with public speaking, which is one of the very best ways to generate a high-quality flow of clients. So let’s get cracking, Majeed. The title today is, “How to Grow Your Coaching Business with Speaking” and I imagine you can grow your consulting business or your training businesses speaking as well. Our seven minutes is going to start as soon as I find the start button, which is now. Question number one, sir, who’s your ideal client?
Majeed Mogharreban 01:19
My ideal client is a coach or consultant who wants to stand out as a leader in the industry and have a large audience of people who want to hire them for their online course and their coaching programs. And one of the areas of focus I have are health and wellness coaches, functional medicine doctors, and naturopathic doctors who have a lot to say and a lot to- they want to educate people, but I show them how to do it in a way that helps them get clients and get patients to sign up for their high ticket programs.
Tom Poland 01:51
Right. And I imagine that type of client doesn’t want to be coming across as salesy. They want to be feeling like it’s a genuine authentic expression of their personality, their values, etc. So there are some subtleties that you’ve embedded into your intellectual property, your systems, and your methodology. I think that sounds like it would cater well to that. So we have six minutes left. Question number two, what’s the problem you solve for them?
Majeed Mogharreban 02:15
Well, Tom, you know how some people are like the best-kept secret. they’re so good. And when you go to see them, they’re just so good at what they do. And they’re so knowledgeable, and they’re so passionate, and they’re so experienced, but people haven’t heard of them. And they don’t have nearly as many clients as they should have, or could have, even though they have the desire to help people. So what I do is I take those people, and I help them tell their story. And I help them deliver and communicate their knowledge and entertaining and persuasive and engaging ways like emotional stories. That way, they become the teacher to the people who want to learn, and they become the guide to the person who’s looking for someone to hire, whether it’s to learn how to lose weight, hire a life coach or learn any skill that a coach teaches or a consultant. The problem that I solve is they don’t have enough clients. And the way that I solved that is I help them give speeches and land speaking engagements that make them a bunch of money.
Tom Poland 03:11
Fantastic! And I mentioned that’s one of their challenges is how to articulate their magic, how to authentically express the benefit of working together. So let’s get going to question three, just over four and a half minutes left. What would you say are some of the typical symptoms? World’s best-kept secret, certainly. What else is going on in their life or the business that would give them a heads up they should be reaching out to you?
Majeed Mogharreban 03:32
Well, they’re really good at what they do, but they say to themselves, “I’m not into sales and marketing”. Or “I’m not good at sales and marketing.” And what they do, instead of getting good at sales and marketing, they go to take another certification course, and take another program that gives them another title. But still, then there are no clients and no patients. And so I show them how to get the clients and the patients in a way that’s really educational and service, which is to give speeches.
Tom Poland 04:00
And you may have mentioned one of the mistakes they make already, but this is question four. Apart from avoiding marketing and sales, and taking another certification, which is more comfortable, are there any other mistakes that your new clients tell you that they made before they found your solution?
Majeed Mogharreban 04:16
Yeah, I think the way people approach giving a speech is not optimized for entertainment, and sales. What my clients do, if ever they do give a speech, whether they’re giving a webinar or a podcast interview or making a video for YouTube, or speaking on a stage, they do a little too much teaching and not enough storytelling. And so we get into the storytelling which makes it engaging and entertaining and ends up driving way more sales.
Tom Poland 04:46
Right. And, maybe, I guess, that your new clients might have both problems is that they’re not really entertaining and engaging enough. And if they are being entertaining, they may not understand that being entertaining and engaging the way this is going to generate inquiries is different from being entertaining and engaging in a way that’s simply teaching. You can do both, of course.
Majeed Mogharreban 05:07
Tom Poland 05:08
Two and a half minutes left. What would you say is a top tip for someone? It’s a valuable free action they could take. It’s not going to solve the whole problem, they probably need you for that, but it might get them a step in the right direction.
Majeed Mogharreban 05:19
So one thing you can do right now that can have a massive impact on your business is book a speaking engagement for yourself. And the way you do that, is you make a list of 10 people that you know that lead groups. And to each one of those 10 people, you call, email, or text, and you say, “What would it take?” Ask them, “What would it take for me to speak to your group, and for you to feel really happy about it?”
Tom Poland 05:49
That is a great question.
Majeed Mogharreban 05:50
And listen to that conversation. And you will get a certain percentage of them saying, “Yes, probably a lot of them.” And you will have speaking engagements, and that will grow your business very quickly.
Tom Poland 05:58
That is such a wicked smart strategy. Thank you so much for that. Top value! Let’s go to question six because what I want to do is I want to give people an opportunity to find out more about what you do. Where can people go? A landing page or something that they can just get more information about your work and also about getting gigs and presenting and engaging in a lead-generating way?
Majeed Mogharreban 06:18
I would recommend you download a free copy of my book. You can buy it on Amazon, but I’ll give you a free copy in PDF. The book is called, “Expert Speaker: Five Steps to Grow Your Business with Public Speaking”. And the reason why it will be so valuable to you is there are scripts in the book on how to negotiate your fee, how to negotiate the speaking engagement, and what to say at each part of the speech that turns a speech into a sales experience where people will buy your stuff. The book is at expertspeakerbook.com.
Tom Poland 06:53
Yeah, thanks. Sorry, only 30 seconds left. So let me jump in. It’s expertspeakerbook.com and I do apologize for interrupting. Expertspeakerbook.com. Go get it, folks! 20 seconds left, Majeed. What’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t? And the answer in less than 15 seconds.
Majeed Mogharreban 07:08
You should have asked me what I do first as a speaker and you’ll find the answer in the book.
Tom Poland 07:15
Well done! All right. Brilliant. Thanks so much for your time, Majeed.
Tom Poland 07:19
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