- Learn what a marketing plan is all about and why it is important for any business
- Learn how can Allan’s 1-page marketing plan help map out your own sophisticated marketing plan and go from zero to marketing hero.
- Discover how to build a marketing infrastructure and scale rapidly
- Checkout Allan’s 1-Page Marketing Plan Canvas Is the Easiest and Fastest Way to Create a Marketing Plan That Will Propel Your Business Growth:https://successwise.com/
Allan Dib is a serial entrepreneur, rebellious marketer, technology expert, and #1 bestselling author. He has started, grown, and successfully exited multiple businesses in various industries. Allan grew his business from startup to four years later being named by Business Review Weekly (BRW)’s as one of Australia’s fastest-growing companies.
In this episode, Allan shares the importance of having a marketing plan that will show you how to build a marketing infrastructure, that you’re actually going to use, give you clarity and structure, and is going to give you a simple framework to follow.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:46 – Allan’s ideal client: “My ideal client is a small to medium business owner. Typically, someone doing either going from startup right up to $20 million in revenue. And its people who are spending their own money on advertising and marketing and who are looking to really level up and to reap the benefits of doing that. So, it’s someone who believes that marketing can help them get to that next level, and then want some guidance with that.”
- 02:20 – Problem Allan helps solve: “The biggest problem I solve is helping people go from confusion to clarity as it relates to marketing. A lot of people do kind of random acts of marketing, and they don’t have clarity, that I have structure, that I have simplicity when it comes to marketing. So really the problem that we solve, if I could put it in one word, which is clarity, we help you get clarity as it relates to marketing. And then more than that is we help you develop your own marketing capability, your own marketing muscle.”
- 03:00 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Allan: “So typical symptoms are people just doing random acts of marketing, following the bright shiny object.”
- 04:04 – Common mistakes that people make before they find Allan’s solution: “Two of the most common mistakes I find, number one, they’ll hire an expensive consultant to help them put together a big comprehensive business or marketing plan. And that’s firstly expensive, it’s time-consuming. And the worst part of it is, it’s not practical. In my first business, I made that same mistake. And, you know, I hired a consultant, he helped me put together a 75-page business plan. And then I shove that in the top drawer of my desk and never saw it again until I was moving out of the office. I sort of tossed it off, tossed it in the trash and was angry at myself for spending all that money.”
- 05:15 – Allan’s Valuable Free Action(VFA): “Put together a practical marketing plan that you’re actually going to use, something that’s actually going to give you clarity, it’s going to give you structure, it’s going to give you a simple framework to follow.
- 06:04 – Allan’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Checkout Allan’s 1-Page Marketing Plan Canvas Is the Easiest and Fastest Way to Create a Marketing Plan That Will Propel Your Business Growth:https://successwise.com/
- 06:20 – Q: What is the mindset or transformation that people need to make to be successful in marketing? A: Making that transformation in the mindset I think is a real turning point for people when they go from a cap on their growth to really explosive scale and explosive growth.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“Put together a practical marketing plan that you're actually going to use, give you clarity and structure, and is going to give you a simple framework to follow.” -@allandib Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland: 0:09
Tom Poland: 0:09
Hello everyone, a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing The Invisible. My name is Tom Poland, joined today by Allan Dib. Allan, good day, very warm welcome, sir. Where are you hanging out?
Allan Dib 0:18
Hey, I’m in Melbourne, Australia. How are you Tom?
Tom Poland: 0:21
Melbourne, Australia, the other end of Australia. I’m here up near the top, Alan’s down near the bottom of a box of fluffy ducks. Thank you, sir.
Tom Poland: 0:27
For those of you don’t know, Allan, he’s a serial entrepreneur, a very rebellious marketer, a tech expert, and he’s also a genuine number one best-selling author. The name of the book is, “The one-page marketing plan,” which has something like 700 reviews on Amazon. It’s absolutely a phenomenal worldwide bestseller. So, a genuine bestseller, and not someone who just put it into how to sell ovens on Saturday afternoon and got to that category in Kindle, and became a best seller with five copies. No, no, no, this is the real deal.
Tom Poland: 1:00
And I think it’s important to know that not only is Allan a global phenomenon in terms of the best-selling book, he’s also a business owner. So, he started, grown, and successfully exited multiple businesses across various industries, which what gives him not only the depth of marketing knowledge, but also the width. He’s grown his business from startup just four years ago, and has just been recently named as the Business Review Weekly’s one of Australia’s fastest growing companies. As I said, a phenomenon quite extraordinary, and so it’s great to have you on the show. Thanks, Allan.
Tom Poland: 1:35
Our subject today is, “How to Scale Your Business Fast,” and Allan’s going to tell us how to do that in just seven minutes. Allan, our seven minutes starts now. Question number one is, who is your ideal client?
Allan Dib 1:46
My ideal client is a small to medium business owner. Typically, someone doing either going from startup right up to $20 million in revenue. And its people who are spending their own money on advertising and marketing and who are looking to really level up and to reap the benefits of doing that. So, it’s someone who believes that marketing can help them get to that next level, and then want some guidance with that.
Tom Poland: 2:14
Perfect. Thank you, sir. Six and a half minutes left. Question number two, what’s the problem that you solve for them?
Allan Dib 2:20
The biggest problem I solve is helping people go from confusion to clarity as it relates to marketing. A lot of people do kind of random acts of marketing, and they don’t have clarity, that I have structure, that I have simplicity when it comes to marketing. So really the problem that we solve, if I could put it in one word, which is clarity, we help you get clarity as it relates to marketing. And then more than that is we help you develop your own marketing capability, your own marketing muscle.
Tom Poland: 2:50
Perfect. Thank you, sir. Question number three, five and a half minutes left, what are some of the typical symptoms that people experience who’ve got that problem that you help them with before they find your solution?
Allan Dib 3:00
Yeah, that’s a great question. So typical symptoms are people just doing random acts of marketing, following the bright shiny object. They’re following whatever the latest guru, the latest SEO hack, the latest social trick and those sorts of things. So, the typical symptoms people experience, they buy the latest Instagram course, and all of that sort of thing. The latest Facebook trick, or bot, or whatever. And none of those things on their own are necessarily bad but you want to be able to really plug those things into a comprehensive strategy. So, you want to have a strategic approach and then plug in the tactical into that.
Tom Poland: 3:38
Otherwise, kind of like putting the cart before the horse, we’re doing what our tactics are before we figured out the strategy. So that leads us probably quite nicely into question number four, and there’s four and a half minutes left. People are going to become aware that they haven’t got a strategy, they’re going to be trying these different things and they’re going to have rollercoaster revenue, random acts of marketing and so on. But they will wake up one day and they’ll try stuff. So, what are some of the other common mistakes that people make prior to finding your solution?
Allan Dib 4:04
Two of the most common mistakes I find, number one, they’ll hire an expensive consultant to help them put together a big comprehensive business or marketing plan. And that’s firstly expensive, it’s time consuming. And the worst part of it is, it’s not practical. In my first business, I made that same mistake. And, you know, I hired a consultant, he helped me put together a 75-page business plan. And then I shove that in the top drawer of my desk and never saw it again until I was moving out of the office. I sort of tossed it off, tossed it in the trash and was angry at myself for spending all that money.
Allan Dib 4:38
And so, you need a plan that’s actually practical and usable. The other mistake people make is they say, “Hey, I’ve outsourced my HR, or I’ve outsourced my IT. Hey, why don’t I outsource my marketing? I’m just going to get an agency just to do it all.” And really, that’s something that rarely works out well.
Tom Poland: 4:56
Yep. Normally you pay them three months fees and then you send them a nice email saying, “Hey, it’s not you, John, it’s me.” But the reality is your money is going out and the clients aren’t coming in. Thank you, sir. Question number five, three minutes left, what’s one valuable free action that an audience member can take that’s going to help them, not going to solve the whole problem but it’ll take them a step in the right direction? A top tip.
Allan Dib 5:15
Yep, a top tip is to put together a practical marketing plan that you’re actually going to use. So, something that’s actually going to give you clarity, it’s going to give you structure, it’s going to give you a simple framework to follow. So, there’s probably no surprise, I’m a bit biased, I believe the one-page marketing planning process is such a valuable action because, yeah, it helps me, it helps me a lot of my clients.
Tom Poland: 5:43
So, one-page marketing plan and you can google search that folks. So, question number six, two and a half minutes left, what’s a valuable free resource that we can direct people to that’s going to help them even more?
Allan Dib 5:54
Yep. So, if you go to successwise.com, you can download a copy of the one-page marketing plan canvas, literally, it’s all laid out for you. Within 15 to 20 minutes, you can end up with a comprehensive direct response marketing plan.
Tom Poland: 6:07
Including strategy. Thank you, sir. So that’s successwise.com. Question number seven, we got two minutes left, so plenty of time. What’s one question I should have asked you but I didn’t? And the answer, please.
Allan Dib 6:20
One question I think is really the mindset or transformation that people need to make to be successful in marketing. And really, I believe that transformation is going from being someone who sells legal services, medical services, all those sorts of things to being an entrepreneur. So rather than you being a doctor, lawyer, butcher, Baker, candlestick maker, whatever else, viewing yourself as a marketer of those products or services. So, and the side effect is that, “Hey, I’m selling medical services,” or, “I’m selling legal services,” or I’m selling, whatever it is. So, making that transformation in mindset I think is a real turning point for people when they go from a cap on their growth to really explosive scale and explosive growth.
Tom Poland: 7:09
Mindset opens up the other opportunities. Allan Dib, thank you so much for your time.
Allan Dib 7:13
Pleasure, Tom.
Tom Poland: 7:15
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