- Find out why brain priming is one of the important and promising steps to success
- Check in with yourself and learn new ways on how to improve your self and mindset for you and your business
- Know how brain priming works and what are the benefits it that will help you in your personal life and business life
- Wanting to Train Your Brain for Success and Overcome the Fears, Thoughts, and Overthinking that’s Stopping You From Success? Learn the power of priming and unleash your full potential: bit.ly/thepowerofpriming
Have you been feeling like you’ve been stuck in a loop whether it’s in your personal life or business life?
Do you struggle to keep up with your thoughts and often feel overwhelmed about success/
Are you ready to know more about brain priming and the powerful and promising effects it has on you and your business?
Dr. Sharon Grossman coaches 6-figure professionals struggling with anxiety, overwhelm, and burnout on how to prime their brain for success so they can live a more focused, fun, and fulfilled life with ease– and in just 15 minutes a day.
In this episode, Dr. Sharon talks about her insights on why brain priming should be something that is practiced, especially by business leaders, and how it can serve as a stepping stone closer to success.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:49 – Dr. Sharon’s ideal client: “So I like to call them “self-improvement junkies” who are just tired of being stuck in their limiting beliefs, their negative self-talk, distressing emotions or self-sabotage, and who are committed to working on their mental health to unleash their potential.”
- 02:13 – Problem Dr. Sharon helps solve: “So what I do is I help them reprogram their subconscious mind. So changing anything that isn’t aligned with what they want is easily done. So they don’t- it doesn’t take up a lot of effort, and it can happen in a matter of weeks.”
- 03:09 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Dr. Sharon: “So what they notice is there’s a lot of anxiety, frustration, and despair because they’re stuck in a loop. They may have tried a lot of different things, and nothing has really made a dent. And they may not believe that it’s even possible to change, or right?”
- 04:10 – Common mistakes that people make before they find Dr. Sharon’s solution: So what I noticed is that they focus a lot on changing their behaviors. So for instance, when they want to lose weight, they focus on restricting their food intake, their calorie counting, rather than managing their emotions, which is what’s leading them to overeat.”
- 05:28 – Dr. Sharon’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): “What I would recommend, almost like a little exercise that you can do, is take out a piece of paper. Draw a line down the middle. Write down on the left side all the areas where you feel stuck in your life. And then across from each of those items on the right side, write what would be possible if you got unstuck in each of those areas?”
- 06:22 – Dr. Sharon’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Check out Sharon’s Course: bit.ly/thepowerofpriming
- 07:23 – Q: What is an example of what’s possible with brain priming? A: What I would say is more self-awareness, to be able to pause and really recognize the choices that you have instead of being on autopilot. And when you can do that, you can be nicer to yourself.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“If you believe something, everything below that before comes aligned. You don't have to work so hard to change.” -Sharon Grossman Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Greetings, everyone, and a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. I’m Tom Poland beaming out to you, as always, from little Castaways Beach in Queensland, Australia, joined today by Dr. Sharon Grossman. Sharon, a very warm welcome. Where are you hanging out?
Dr. Sharon Grossman 00:24
I just moved to Miami Beach, where it’s in the 90s. And so very hot and humid, but we love i! Lots of palm trees, ocean, and outdoor swimming pool.
Tom Poland 00:36
Oh, yeah. You’d want that if it’s 90+ degrees. It’s like 35 Celsius. That’s very hot and humid too, I’m sure.
Dr. Sharon Grossman 00:43
Tom Poland 00:43
So, folks, now you know where she lives. You can pop in and say hello when you’re in the neighborhood. Dr. Sharon Grossman coaches 6-figure professionals struggling with anxiety, overwhelm, burnout on how to prime their brain for success so they can live a more focused, fun, and fulfilled life with ease. And you can do that in just 15 minutes a day. So Dr. Sharon is going to show us how to do that. The title for today’s session is, “How to Train Your Brain for Success”. Now, I have a little bit of inside knowledge, folks, because I know some of the transformations. I’ve been to Sharon’s website. We’ve worked together, so I know how utterly life-changing this concept is. So I do recommend you listen up and listen up good because when you train your brain for success, everything reflects that in your life, your relationships, your health, not just your business. Better get started! Sharon, our seven minutes- how to train your brain for success, you’re going to show us how to do that in just seven minutes. Our time starts now. Question number one is who’s your ideal client?
Dr. Sharon Grossman 01:49
Yeah, so I like to call them “self-improvement junkies” who are just tired of being stuck in their limiting beliefs, their negative self-talk, distressing emotions or self-sabotage, and who are committed to working on their mental health to unleash their potential.
Tom Poland 02:07
Perfect! Thank you. And question number two, six and a half minutes left still, what’s the problem yourself for them?
Dr. Sharon Grossman 02:13
So what I do is I help them reprogram their subconscious mind. So changing anything that isn’t aligned with what they want is easily done. So they don’t- it doesn’t take up a lot of effort, and it can happen in a matter of weeks. And I call the process “brain priming”. It’s essentially helping your mind focus on what you want, and taking it out of that “autopilot” mode. Kind of like when you’re painting a dark-colored wall, you prime then paint, otherwise, you’d need multiple coats of paint, and it’s just exhausting.
Tom Poland 02:47
And it all comes off as, anyway, if you don’t prime properly. So change your mind, change your world. Question number three, five and a half minutes left, how would you describe some of the typical symptoms that these “personal development” people are passionate about- what are they experiencing that gives them a heads up that they need to find out more about priming?
Dr. Sharon Grossman 03:09
So what they notice is there’s a lot of anxiety, frustration, and despair because they’re stuck in a loop. They may have tried a lot of different things, and nothing has really made a dent. And they may not believe that it’s even possible to change, or right? Or they try something and it helps for a bit, but it doesn’t stick. Kind of like when you go on a diet and you lose a few pounds, but then you gain them all back.
Tom Poland 03:34
Right. And that’s part about- part of the magic of what you’re doing is that it’s actually reasonably simple to apply it. So let’s go to question four, we’ve got five minutes left. We’re talking about people who tend to be passionate about courses and workshops and methodologies and techniques. They’re always trying to fulfill their potential and have peace of mind, but also they help other people and live a fulfilling life. So they try stuff is what I’m saying. So question four is what are some of the common things, the mistakes, that you see people making before they find the solution, “the power of priming” solution?
Dr. Sharon Grossman 04:10
Yeah, so what I noticed is that they focus a lot on changing their behaviors. So for instance, when they want to lose weight, they focus on restricting their food intake, their calorie counting, rather than managing their emotions, which is what’s leading them to overeat. So instead of increasing- another example, instead of increasing their self-compassion, they focus on driving themselves harder and they end up burning out.
Tom Poland 04:35
Dr. Sharon Grossman 04:36
Behavioral change can work and- but the thing is it’s a lot harder to accomplish and sustain. And that’s because our behaviors are driven by our emotional state, which results from our thinking and that goes back to our belief. So in the work that I do, I really focus from the top down and it makes life so much easier because if you believe something, everything below that before comes aligned. You don’t have to work so hard to change.
Tom Poland 05:02
Like a waterfall cascading. So beliefs affect the thoughts, affecting the emotions, affecting the behavior. Not starting with the behavior because it’s difficult, and you’ll probably end up going nuts. That makes a lot of sense! There are three and a half minutes left. Question five, what I’m after here is like a top tip. Something- it’s not going to solve the whole problem, but it might just start the ball rolling, might start taking people in the right direction.
Dr. Sharon Grossman 05:28
Yeah, so what I would recommend, almost like a little exercise that you can do, is take out a piece of paper. Draw a line down the middle. Write down on the left side all the areas where you feel stuck in your life. And then across from each of those items on the right side, write what would be possible if you got unstuck in each of those areas? So for instance, if you struggle with anxiety, what would life be like if you didn’t worry so much? And keep going down the list like that. And what that’s gonna do is it’s going to help you become more aware of, number one, where am I being held back in my life? What am I hoping to get rid of? And what is possible for me on the other side?
Tom Poland 06:09
Beautiful! Simple exercise. Go do it, folks. Two and a half minutes left. Question number six, a valuable free resource. Where can we direct people that they can go and find out more about the solution?
Dr. Sharon Grossman 06:22
Yeah, so maybe brain priming is something that you’re not familiar with, you want to learn a little bit more, so I’ve actually created a mini-course all about how you can train your brain for success in five steps. It explains to you there also about how the mind works, takes you through what brain priming really is, takes you through those five steps. And I know, Tom, you’re gonna share the link, but it’s bit.ly/thepowerofpriming, and we’ve given you a free access code, so you get access to that course for free.
Tom Poland 06:55
And the code folks is FREEGIFT. One word. Titled- not sure if case sensitive, but it probably- it might be so it’s-
Dr. Sharon Grossman 07:02
It’s not.
Tom Poland 07:03
Okay, so cool. So FREEGIFT, one word. Bit.ly. That’s B-I-T. L-Y /thepowerofpriming. Thank you so much for that! That is going to be a big help to a lot of people. Question number seven, and we’ve got a full 80 seconds left. What’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t? No pressure.
Dr. Sharon Grossman 07:23
So a question is, what is an example of what’s possible with brain priming? And what I would say is more self-awareness, to be able to pause and really recognize the choices that you have instead of being on autopilot. And when you can do that, you can be nicer to yourself. You can keep your emotions in check. You can be the version of yourself that you want to be around others, and there’s really no better gift that you can give yourself.
Tom Poland 07:50
Oh god, it sounds like paradise! Dr. Sharon Grossman, thanks so much for your time and your insights.
Dr. Sharon Grossman 07:57
Thanks for having me.
Tom Poland 07:59
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