Answer the Call to Love Your Business and Your Life Right Now – In Just 7 Minutes with Nancy Juetten

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  • Learn why it’s not all about getting big but more about forming deeper relationships with your clients
  • Find out what the impact of being crystal clear on your offer has on your clients
  • Understand how being in the right room with like-minded people can help you organically grow your business and yourself



Do you want to know how you can love your business and love your life at the same time without any constraints?

Growing out your business shouldn’t be stressful and lonely. Escape that loneliness and dive into business and life fulfillment by being in a room full of like-minded people that share the same goal and purpose as you! But, growth doesn’t have to stop there. By having a clear mind, and an offer to give to your clients, you’ll be one step away from loving your business and life right now!

Podcast Guesting Success Expert Nancy Juetten loves her business and her life. One without the other isn’t good enough. Today, we talk about how this can be your reality, too.

Get your ears and pen ready as Nancy talks about how you can love your business and life right now through the right network and a better mindset. She also shares her secrets on how you can bring confidence and conviction to the table to turn prospects into long-term clients.

Check out these episode highlights:

  • 02:09 – Nancy’s ideal client: My ideal client is a successful, established, lifestyle entrepreneur who wants to link arms with other people who are in similar scenarios.
  • 02:38 – The problem she helps solve: The problem I solve for them is the isolation of loneliness that they feel trying to go it alone. And it’s hard to know what’s on the jar, with a label on the jar, when you’re inside of it.
  • 03:38 – The symptoms of the problem: If you are someone who has been working some complicated funnel, or someone who’s been tinkering with Facebook ads, and hoping that cold leads would save the day, maybe it’s time to look at organic, natural marketing, referrals and real relationships with like-minded people.
  • 05:39 – Clients’ common mistakes before consulting Nancy: The most important question for everyone to ask themselves is, are you in the right room for what you’re trying to do and who you’re trying to serve?
  • 08:02 – Nancy’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): Be really crystal clear about the next step you want your client to take in your direction. If you give them too many choices, they might make no choice.
  • 08:36 – Nancy’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Want to know how to fuel your business and life to be the best? Click here:
  • 09:17 – Q: What would you tell your younger self if you were starting your business again, right now, right here? A: I would say that I would have believed in myself more boldly. I would have paid attention to the right business model that was right for my sensibilities

Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:

“Love your offer enough that you would be willing to invest 10 times the value to get the same benefit for yourself.” -Nancy Juetten Share on X

(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)

Tom Poland 00:10
Greetings, everyone, and a warm welcome to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. I’m Tom Poland, joined today by Nancy Juetten. Nancy, a very warm good day from Down Under! Where are you hanging out?

Nancy Juetten 00:19
Good to be with you, Tom. I am in Bellingham, Washington.

Tom Poland 00:23
Washington! That’s right up north somewhere, right? You must be getting into fall by now and is it starting to cool down?

Nancy Juetten 00:29

Tom Poland 00:30
We’re just rolling into spring here. We’re just starting to warm up. So a lot of it is upside down where you are. Folks, this is Nancy’s second or third time on the show, I think? And I think I have learned as much from Nancy about marketing as I have from anyone. She is one of the unsung heroes of the world of joint ventures. So, Nancy, I want to thank you for what I’ve learned from you. And I’m sitting down tingling with anticipation to find out even more! So I really want you to listen up for this, folks because she’s a thinker and she’s a strategist. And she also takes care of detail, and that’s pretty rare! I’m not getting paid any commission to do this from Nancy or anything else. I’m just telling you that she’s the real deal! And she’s sweet and she’s pretty and everything else but don’t let that fool you she’s a marketer, as well. So, kind of like, you know, the golden fist with the velvet glove, that’s Nancy. Let’s get on with the show, though! Her bio now. That was all from me but her bio. She’s a podcast guesting success expert, loves the business, and loves her life. “One without the other isn’t good enough”, she says. Today, we’re going to talk about how this can be your reality as well. So as I understand that, Nancy, what we’re gonna be talking about is- well, actually, your title. An interesting title, it says it all! “Answer the Call to Love Your Business and Your Life Right Now”. I love both the inspiration and the aspiration that brings. Let’s kick off! I’ll stop talking. I’ll ask you to start. Our seven minutes is going to start now. Question number one, Nancy, who’s your ideal client?

Nancy Juetten 02:09
My ideal client is a successful, established, lifestyle entrepreneur who wants to link arms with other people who are in similar scenarios so that they can cross-refer, promote, joint venture, and support each other with the gaps in their skill set and also support they may need in their real life.

Tom Poland 02:31
Well thought out. Well articulated! Thank you. So big picture, question two is what is the problem you solve for them?

Nancy Juetten 02:38
The problem I solve for them is the isolation of loneliness that they feel trying to go it alone. And it’s hard to know what’s on the jar, with a label on the jar, when you’re inside of it. So we’re solving loneliness isolation, and we’re allowing people to break through the gaps in their skill set or their mindset so that they can go to the next level in their business, which means success on their own terms, and not by anyone else’s definition.

Tom Poland 03:05
I’m hearing that one of the first things you bring is you’re getting people to take the lid off the jar and hop out of the jar. You’re showing them what’s on the label, sort of thing. So it sounds like you’re bringing a lot of clarity to what might be, otherwise, a quite confusing scenario for people– clarity around what they really want, what their real values are. Let’s go to question three. So hopefully a lot of people listen to this, and as they listen to it, how would they know that they would really be one of your ideal clients, that you could really help them here a lot? What’s going on in their life or their business? What are the symptoms that they have this problem?

Nancy Juetten 03:38
If you are someone who has been working some complicated funnel, or someone who’s been tinkering with Facebook ads, and hoping that cold leads would save the day, maybe it’s time to look at organic, natural marketing, referrals, and real relationships with like-minded people who are at a similar level of success to you or greater, so that you can form your own inner circle of awesomeness and have people refer your business naturally because you showed up as a genius every day. I think that for those who want a lifestyle business, it’s not so much about scaling to be big. What if you go small to grow deeper in your relationships with each other and with your clients so that people can’t stop themselves from introducing me, like the way you introduced me today on this call? Like, what if everybody was introducing you in a similar manner? Oh, my gosh! The client attraction gets so much easier.

Tom Poland 04:38
Well, because of that power, I mean, it’s the lead, the referral, the relationship where you get referred by a trusted authority, or someone who you respect and his opinion has proven to be solid and true over many years. And they refer to someone– you listen up, right? And there’s so much more power than going on to Facebook to catch up with our heroes and seeing there’s an ad there for someone. Not quite having the same impact! The other amazing thing about the referral system that you’ve developed, and you’ve taught me so much about, you said, it’s essentially free of cost for a lot of the time. You don’t have to pay for the advertisement. So you’ve got this large segment of the marketplace that is- unless the market values focus, they believe in things like integrity and helping people and authenticity. And they want to grow as well. They don’t want to compromise their ethics or their values in doing that. What I’m saying is they’re going to be trying stuff. So question four is what would you say are some of the most common mistakes that your clients have made before they start working with you?

Nancy Juetten 05:39
Well, I think the most important question for everyone to ask themselves is, are you in the right room for what you’re trying to do and who you’re trying to serve? How many of us have been a member of a mastermind where once we met everyone who was in the group, we realized that three-quarters of the people in the room weren’t people who were even in our niche audience or serving our niche audience? Have you ever been in a mastermind where people are expecting the mastermind to do the work instead of you doing the work? Well, that’s a problem, too! So what I’m doing is curating an amazing group of people who serve the get-known-to-get-paid niche, but in complementary ways so there’s a natural fit among and between all of us to make our best impact, be geniuses for each other, and also introduce ourselves to our respective communities that we’ve also carefully curated. We can touch and transform hundreds of thousands of lives if we have the right people in the room. So be in the right room– that’s really important!

Tom Poland 06:35
Yeah, I can’t underline that one enough. For people who are actually marketing and looking to collaborate with others, the biggest mistake they make is, as you put it, being in the wrong room. They don’t have an aligned target market. They don’t have an aligned benefit offering or value proposition, and it all falls flat.

Nancy Juetten 06:53
And they probably don’t even have the know-how to do it. That’s the key! I mean, you and I’ve talked about joint ventures quite a bit. If you know how to do joint ventures, you know the lay of the land, and you don’t have to be trained to do it in a world-class way. What you really want is a lot of horse races that are like that on your team so that you can rock and roll and get to the roses faster. If someone’s limping along, and doesn’t know how to do any of that, your ability to get any traction is severely compromised.

Tom Poland 07:19
There are just too many mistakes you can make! Folks, I know that some people might be thinking, “Well, you’re just saying that so I’ll buy something.” Well, yes. And it’s true! You need to have. You need help. It’s like, you know, someone representing themselves in court. As the saying goes, you know, “That person is a fool as an attorney”. Because it’s not the things that we don’t know, to quote Mark Twain, I’ve heard of something– “Sometimes we think we know that just ain’t so”. And there’s a lot of things that people think they know about your adventures that just ain’t so, unfortunately. Let’s give them a top tip, Nancy. One idea, one action that’s not going to solve the whole problem for people, but it might take them a step in the right direction. Have you got something?

Nancy Juetten 08:02
I would say be really crystal clear about the next step you want your client to take in your direction. If you give them too many choices, they might make no choice. And love your offer enough that you would be willing to invest 10 times the value to get the same benefit for yourself. Because when you have that level of belief in what it is you’re here to do, the confidence and conviction that you bring to it are going to be very attractive to people who are looking for that.

Tom Poland 08:28
Perfect! Great tip. Thank you. And where can people go to find out more about what you’ve got, to dive a little bit deeper, if you will?

Nancy Juetten 08:36
I would love for you to check out the Six Questions You Need to Answer: Special Report, so you can love your business and love your life and make sure every move you make moves in the right direction without any cringe factor. And you can find it at

Tom Poland 08:55
Thanks for that, Nancy! Just repeating that URL, folks. It’s, that’s the number six. So Nancy, one question to go! Question seven is what’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t? And the answer, please.

Nancy Juetten 09:17
The one question you didn’t ask that I wish you had is what would you tell your younger self if you were starting your business again, right now, right here? And what I would say is that I would have believed in myself more boldly. I would have paid attention to the right business model that was right for my sensibilities. And I would have made sure that there was whitespace on my calendar to love my life no matter what because we only get one shot and we got to make it pay!

Tom Poland 09:44
Beautiful! Pearls of wisdom. Nancy, thank you so much for your time.

Tom Poland 09:48
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