Create Your Book Without Writing a Word – In Just 7 Minutes with Michael DeLon

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  • Discover how can you turn your leads into ever-flowing conversations and into better credibility
  • Assess if you’re giving more of who you are to your audience rather than what you do
  • Learn why you should have a clear message before investing so much in your marketing



Do you want to find out how you can write your book without really writing it through your conversations driven by authenticity?

Nobody wants to read the usual, so why not serve them up with something new? Adding a personal touch to everything you do, whether it’s the way you talk or present yourself, is actually more important than you think. It’s what makes people remember you.

Michael DeLon is the #1 Amazon Best-Selling Author and America’s Foremost Authority on Credibility Marketing. He teaches business owners how to establish credibility and gain more new clients.

Dive a little bit deeper into the world of authenticity and personal branding with Michael as he shares how you can write your book without really doing so through your conversations driven by your authentic self and story.

Check out these episode highlights:

  • 01:22 – Michael’s ideal client: Well, Tom, my ideal client’s that business owner who’s always thought about writing a book, but never done it.
  • 02:13 – The problem he helps solve: So we’ve built marketing systems, step-by-step guides, that we give to our clients, and they implement them through our guidance so that they know how to use the book in lead generation, lead conversion, preconditioning, and referrals.
  • 03:12 – The symptoms of the problem: Yeah, having headaches, Tom, because they’re banging their head against the wall, right, because they’re frustrated with marketing. They’re getting leads, but they’re not converting those leads into conversations.
  • 03:56 – Clients’ common mistakes before consulting Michael: Well, the first one is they’re trying to write their book on their own, right? They tried to write. That’s not where you’re making your best money. The real big one is they don’t have a clear message.
  • 05:24 – Michael’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): Be personal. And what I mean by that, Tom, is too many people are trying to be what you think your audience wants you to be. And so you’re hiding behind suits or letters behind your name. No, no– be yourself!
  • 06:09 – Michael’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Want tips on how you can build your credibility with the magic of gifting? Click here:
  • 07:18 – Q: How can you be guaranteed to make money as an author? A: In 20 seconds use us because when you work with us, I guarantee that you’ll double your investment in two years, or I’ll give you all your money back because I know our systems and strategies work.

Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:

“People are going to buy who you are more than what you do. Be personal in your marketing.” -Michael DeLon Share on X

(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)

Tom Poland 00:10
Welcome, everyone, to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. I’m Tom Poland beaming out to you from the Sunshine Coast in Australia, joined today by Michael DeLon. Michael, it’s a pleasure to have you here, sir. Good to meet you again.

Michael DeLon 00:21
Thank you, Tom.

Tom Poland 00:22
But good day from Down Under. A very warm welcome. Michael, remind me, where are you based?

Michael DeLon 00:28
I am in the United States, Little Rock, Arkansas.

Tom Poland 00:31
Arkansas, it’s a wiper down in Australia. Hands across the water! So, well, folks Michael’s superpower is he brings you credibility, and he opens doors for you, but a little bit of background behind that. He’s the number one Amazon Best-Selling Author. He’s America’s Foremost Authority on Credibility Marketing. And we know that if you don’t establish credibility, there’s no point in establishing rapport or having an offer because if people don’t believe you, they aren’t going to buy from you. He teaches business owners how to establish their credibility and thereby attract and gain more clients. Michael, our title today, which I want to grill you on, sir, is, “How to Create Your Book Without Writing a Word”. So let’s dive into that. I’m going to kick off the seven-minute timer. Question number one, sir, is who is your ideal client?

Michael DeLon 01:22
Well, Tom, my ideal client’s that business owner who’s always thought about writing a book, but never done it. So what we do is we help them create their book without writing a word through an interview process, so that they will be seen as the expert in the eyes of their audience. And then we teach them how to use their book to grow their business.

Tom Poland 01:43
And they’ll finally get it frickin’ well done!

Michael DeLon 01:46

Tom Poland 01:48
So let’s be clear, question number two is the problem that you solve. Clearly, one of the problems is that many of these folks have been meaning to get around to writing their book for years. but there’s another problem that you just touched on, which is a lot of people think that their book is gonna sell itself, and it’s just gonna bring more clients in their zone. But you mentioned that you also help them, showing them, how to use that book to generate more clients. Is there anything else you want to add to question two, which is the problem you solve?

Michael DeLon 02:13
Yeah, absolutely! So we’ve built marketing systems, step-by-step guides, that we give to our clients, and they implement them through our guidance so that they know how to use the book in lead generation, lead conversion, preconditioning, and referrals. All of that is given to our clients so that they can actually make money with this thing.

Tom Poland 02:33
That’s right because the world is full of authors who have proudly and finally written their book and launched it and then nothing’s happened unfortunately.

Michael DeLon 02:40
That’s right. Yeah, it’s hard to find them on Amazon.

Tom Poland 02:43
Folks, books are a terrific door opener and a terrific credibility builder. It can take you from here to zero very quickly if you haven’t gotten around to it. And by the way, I should hasten to add real quick, this is not an affiliate marketing thing we’re doing here. I’m just promoting Michael and asking him to come into the show because I think he could be really good for some of you. So let’s move on to question three, Michael. What are the typical symptoms that people experience? It kind of like gives them a heads-up as to why they should be reaching out to you.

Michael DeLon 03:12
Yeah, having headaches, Tom, because they’re banging their head against the wall, right, because they’re frustrated with marketing. They’re getting leads, but they’re not converting those leads into conversations. Number two, if they have conversations, they’re losing those sales, because, in the process, their prospect isn’t seeing them as the person who can really help them, after the fact they spent too much time trying to follow up, begging for that next appointment, because they’re not positioned properly.

Tom Poland 03:38
Gotcha! Thank you for that. Very succinct. So we’re talking about people that are growth orientated. They’ve been trying to get new clients on board and grow their businesses. They’re going to be trying stuff is what I’m saying. So question four is what would you say are some of the common mistakes that your clients tell you that they’ve made before they find your solution? Four minutes left.

Michael DeLon 03:56
Yeah. Well, the first one is they’re trying to write their book on their own, right? They tried to write. That’s not where you’re making your best money. The real big one is they don’t have a clear message. They sound like everybody else that does what they do. And what we do is help them clarify that message and tell their story. Just like a movie, stories carry the day in books. So we help them clarify that so they don’t end up like what I call a “coffee bean”, looking like and sounding like everybody else. And there are no personal touches in marketing anymore, Tom. Everybody’s hiding behind social media and junk. A book allows you to actually mail it to somebody and have a personal touch through a conversation.

Tom Poland 04:38
Right. And, folks, if you just struggle with words, and it just doesn’t come to you as it does for a few people, it might be time to get it written by someone else effectively in your voice, right? Because your method is you’re interviewing people.

Michael DeLon 04:53
It totally is! And we interview people because you can talk about what you do all day long. We just guide you through a process.

Tom Poland 05:00
So true. It’s so true! People, over a cup of coffee, can thrill you and delight you for hours by talking about what they do and how they do it. But when you ask them to formalize it in writing, there’s a block. So big problem potentially solved here, folks! Michael, let’s go to question five, which is the top tip. I’m after a free action that someone could take. It’s not going to solve the whole problem, but it might take them a step in the right direction.

Michael DeLon 05:24
Yeah. Be personal. And what I mean by that, Tom, is too many people are trying to be what you think your audience wants you to be. And so you’re hiding behind suits or letters behind your name. No, no– be yourself! And if you like duck hunting, have ducks on your wall. If you like Hawaiian shirts, wear Hawaiian shirts. I want to know who you are. People are going to buy who you are more than what you do. Be personal in your marketing.

Tom Poland 05:54
Very true! Great top tip. Thank you. Let’s go to question six. We’ve just got under two minutes left. A valuable free resource. And I know you’ve got something pretty special here because I’ve been there and had a look at it. Tell us where people can go and what they’re going to find when they get there.

Michael DeLon 06:09
Sure. where they want to go is Okay, one of the rules, the laws of credibility marketing is to convince the mind, you have to capture the heart. And when you go to this website, you’re going to see a short training I did. No opt-in is required. And it’s going to share with you a gifting strategy that we use to win the hearts of our prospects, our clients, and our centers of influence. This one strategy has probably done more for my business in the last two or three years than anything else. I get more responses from this gifting because I’m winning their heart, and I want people to just go, just take it. You don’t have to opt-in and use this strategy to make a difference in people’s lives.

Tom Poland 06:57
It’s very clever, folks! I’ve been there and had a look at it. You need to have a look at it. It’s, as in Christmas gift, which is just around the corner. Gifting! Thank you for that, Michael, and be prepared for thanks folks who go there and grab your gift resource pack, as well. 30 seconds left. Sir, real quick. What’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t?

Michael DeLon 07:18
How can you be guaranteed to make money as an author? That’s what everybody’s asked me.

Tom Poland 07:23
In 20 seconds, how can they?

Michael DeLon 07:25
In 20 seconds use us because when you work with us, I guarantee that you’ll double your investment in two years, or I’ll give you all your money back because I know our systems and strategies work.

Tom Poland 07:36
Perfect! Michael DeLon, thank you so much for your time and your generosity with these ideas. Cheers!

Michael DeLon 07:41
You’re welcome, Tom. Thank you!

Tom Poland 07:43
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