- Discover how to make your clients feel like they are more than just a number through personalization
- Learn why you need to stop selling to the persona and focus more on the person
- Understand the powerful difference between personalization rather than using the generic sales messages
- Want to know how you can put your sales in motion through personalization? Click here: humantic.ai
Do you feel like you’re lacking that cherry on top when it comes to your marketing and sales? Are you ready to find out how you can use personality insights to the next level?
Personalizing the sales process is crucial in today’s competitive business environment. This allows you to build trust with your customers and increase their loyalty to your brand, leading to long-term relationships and increased sales. If you want to stand out from the competition and build a successful sales strategy, personalization is key.
Collin Mitchell is a go-to Market Leader with 3 exits under his belt and currently serving as the Chief Evangelist at Humantic AI where they are helping sellers personalize the entire sales process to build more rapport and close more deals.
Channel your authenticity with Collin as he explains the importance of ditching the generic and adding a bit of personal touch into your sales and marketing processes that will guarantee you increase close rates, skyrocket sales, and happy loyal clients!
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:28 – Collin’s ideal client: We serve, you know, various different sales organizations, but, the ideal client that we’ve, you know, seen to add a ton of value to is B2B sales organizations.
- 01:44 – The problem he helps solve: There’s a few, but, you know, overall the problem that we’re solving for them is helping them to better understand their buyers and to change their sales process in a way that can be more authentic.
- 03:01 – The symptoms of the problem: There are a few different areas that we see. You know, personality insights move the needle the most. But I’ll focus on, sort of two of the most common, right, is top of the funnel. They’re, you know, not getting a lot of positive replies.
- 04:11 – Clients’ common mistakes before consulting Collin: So the biggest mistake that a lot of people make, just generally in sales is exactly what you said. You know, selling to the persona instead of the person, and that’s just not authentic enough. It’s not personalized enough at the level.
- 06:06 – Collin’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): Start with understanding the different personality types of people and what you should avoid with each type. That’s a real way to just take a little bite out of selling this way, before trying to take, you know, take it all on.
- 06:33 – Collin’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Want to know how you can put your sales in motion through personalization? Click here: humantic.ai
- 07:13 – Q: What are some of the results people are getting from you leveraging personality AI into their sales process? A: So some of the most common things that we’re seeing, I’ll just give you three, is a 236% increase in positive replies on outbound activities, a 36% increase in first-time-to-engagement, and a 6.7% increase in close rates.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“The best place to start for folks to avoid making those sales mistakes is to know yourself first.” -Collin Mitchell Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Welcome, everyone, to another edition of Marketing The Invisible. I’m Tom Poland beaming out to you from the Sunshine Coast in Australia, joined today by Collin Mitchell. Colin, a very warm good day from Down Under, sir. Where are you hanging out?
Collin Mitchell 00:21
I am in Los Angeles, California, in the United States!
Tom Poland 00:25
LA, the city of Angels. Would you rather have a big apple or an angel? I’m going to go with the angel, right?
Collin Mitchell 00:31
Yeah, of course. West Coast is the best coast!
Tom Poland 00:34
West Coast is the best coast. Okay. There’s a jingle at there somewhere if you go west, young man. Folks, Collin’s an interesting guy because he does a lot of stuff with AI. We’re going to find out more about that in a moment, in particular, in relation to personality insights. He’s kind of the go-to guy with three business exits under his belt. He’s currently serving as the Chief Evangelist at Humantic AI where they help sellers personalize their entire sales process, and this is pretty cool, to build more rapport and close more deals. I think this is especially valuable when, very often these days, we’re not sitting across the table physically from someone when we’re having those sales conversations. So our title today is, “How to Use Personality Insights to Increase Close Rates”. Collin, thanks for being here. We are going to kick off. Our time is going to start just as soon as I find that fricking app. Here we go! Time starts now. Question number one, sir, who is your ideal?
Collin Mitchell 01:28
Yeah, so we serve, you know, various different sales organizations, but, the ideal client that we’ve, you know, seen to add a ton of value to is B2B sales organizations.
Tom Poland 01:39
B2B in particular. Thank you for that. Question two, what’s the problem you solve for them?
Collin Mitchell 01:44
Yeah, so, there’s a few, but, you know, overall the problem that we’re solving for them is helping them to better understand their buyers and to change their sales process in a way that can be more authentic. And they can personalize the entire sales process.
Tom Poland 02:03
Right so we’re really getting to, I would imagine quite deep levels of rapport and empathy and relatability very quickly because you’ve got a bit of an x-ray into who this person is and what makes ’em tick. Does that sound about right?
Collin Mitchell 02:17
You hit the nail on the head, right? Because everybody’s a little bit different. And the problem that sellers are faced with is they are showing up to sell to their buyers the way that they would want to buy if they were on the other seat of the table. Right? And that works in some cases, but not all. And, unfortunately, not most.
Tom Poland 02:40
Yeah, if you find one in a 1000 or a hundred thousand people that are the same as you, it’s going to work pretty well, otherwise. Alright, thank you for that! So question three, what would you say are some of the symptoms of an organization or a B2B salesperson who needs what you’ve got? What’s going on in their sales process that kind of gives them a heads up, they need to be finding out more about what you do.
Collin Mitchell 03:01
Yeah, you know, there are a few different areas that we see. You know, personality insights move the needle the most. But I’ll focus on, sort of two of the most common, right, is top of the funnel. They’re, you know, not getting a lot of positive replies. And that could be two possible scenarios, right? They’re not targeting the right people, or they’re not targeting the right people with the right messaging based on the person instead of the persona, which is the way most people sell. Another area of focus that we see a lot is close rates. So, you know, a lot of times either deal isn’t moving forward and they’re stuck and stalled. And by leveraging these sorts of insights gives the sellers the ability to know what matters most to their buyers and able to get those deals unstuck
Tom Poland 03:47
Right. And so the top of the funnel is either the wrong people or the wrong message, or the bottom of the funnel is where the close is happening. It’s a succinct way of summarizing it. You mentioned the difference between persona and personality. I think that might be a good conversation around question four, which is a common mistake that people make. One of them is mistaking persona as personality. Tell me more about that and then any other mistakes you think are pretty common.
Collin Mitchell 04:11
Yeah. So the biggest mistake that a lot of people make, just generally in sales, is exactly what you said, selling to the persona instead of the person, and that’s just not authentic enough. It’s not personalized enough at the level. And then I would say, you know, the thing that people struggle with a bit is they try to take on all of this at once. And this is, you know, this way of selling is not a new concept. This is just a new technology that makes it easier. And the best place to start for folks to avoid making those mistakes is to know yourself first. So having a level of awareness of your own personality, the way that you would want to buy if you were on the other side of the table. What are your communication styles and preferences? What things and values are most important to you? Because that frames the entire structure of the sales process based on the individual. And so, knowing yourself first is a really good place to start to avoid making some of those common mistakes.
Tom Poland 05:11
Okay. Thank you for that! And, I’m still not sure what you mean by the difference between the persona and the personality. What do you mean by this?
Collin Mitchell 05:17
Yeah, so the persona might be really basic. Like, you know, is it B2B, is it B2C? Are they in this particular industry? Are they this company size? Do they have this job title? And then people that are maybe doing a halfway decent job with persona might even take it a level deeper where they’re saying, and they have this specific problem, and then that defines, you know, their ICP and they sell based on that.
Tom Poland 05:40
Could be a good place to start, but it might not be detailed enough in terms of the individual’s personality. Thank you for that!
Collin Mitchell 05:45
Yeah. And so, for the person, it would be more around, “Hey, this is an ROI-driven person. This is a relationship-driven person.” And so you’re going to frame up the conversation based on that.
Tom Poland 05:55
Yeah. Perfect. Thank you for that. Just over two minutes left. Top tip, question five. One valuable free action that someone could take. It is not going to solve the whole problem, but it might take them a step in the right direction.
Collin Mitchell 06:06
Yeah, start with understanding the different personality types of people and what you should avoid with each type. That’s a real way to just take a little bite out of selling this way, before trying to take, you know, take it all on.
Tom Poland 06:21
And, that might lead us quite nicely into question six, which is the valuable free resource cause I think you’ve got something there that people can- is going to help them with the understanding that. A URL or a website people can go to to find out about that?
Collin Mitchell 06:33
Absolutely! So, for anybody who’s curious about this sort of stuff or even just wants to run their own profile and have that level of awareness, and understand what to avoid with different types, they can go to humantic.ai. Start a free trial, run some searches, and have some fun on there with that, and our team’s available to support anybody who’s trying to figure out how to put this stuff to work.
Tom Poland 06:55
Fascinating. So folks that’s humantic, A as in human, but H-U-M for Mary, A-N for Nigel, T-I-C, humantic.ai. Go and have a look. It’s fascinating stuff. Collin, we’ve got just 50 seconds left. Sir, what’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t?
Collin Mitchell 07:13
Yeah, I would say the one question you should have asked me that you didn’t, would be, you know, what are some of the results people are getting from you leveraging personality AI into their sales process?
Tom Poland 07:29
Great question. And in less than 30 seconds, what are some of those results?
Collin Mitchell 07:32
Yeah, so some of the most common things that we’re seeing, I’ll just give you three, is a 236% increase in positive replies on outbound activities, a 36% increase in first-time-to-engagement, and a 6.7% increase in close rates.
Tom Poland 07:49
Remarkable statistics! Collin, thanks so much for your time.
Tom Poland 07:54
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