How to Create a 1-Page Marketing Plan in 7 Minutes – Allan Dib

Check out episode
  • Learn why you need to commit yourself to be a marketer for your business to succeed
  • Know why customer journey is important
  • Learn how entrepreneurs resist the marketing ‘bright shiny object’ syndrome



Allan Dib is a serial entrepreneur, marketer, technology expert and founder of Successwise. He has started, grown and successfully exited multiple businesses in various industries. His latest business was in the hyper-competitive telecommunications industry that went from startup to four years later, being named by Business Review Weekly (BRW) as one of Australia’s fastest growing companies – earning a spot in the coveted BRW Fast 100 list.

In this episode, Allan shares the practical and hands-on marketing strategies that he used to build and scale successful businesses. He also deep-dived on the importance of commit yourself to be a great marketer to be able to sell your services better.
Check out these episode highlights:

  • 00:33 – Allan Dib’s entrepreneurial and marketer journey
  • 01:20 – Allan describes his ideal clients
  • 01:45 – problems that Allan solves for clients who seek marketing clarity and wants to scale up
  • 02:10 – symptoms clients experience with their ‘random acts of marketing’ problems
  • 03:22 – common mistakes that business owners do with regards to their marketing
  • 05:27 – Allan’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): Commit to becoming a marketer.
  • 06:50 – Allan’s free Valuable Action Resource (VAR):
  • 07:40 – Allan’s most Valuable Free Tip (VFT)

Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“Have a good idea of the entire customer journey or the prospect journey, where does someone start off as a cold prospect who does not know, like and trust you and how do you take them to a system, they end up a raving fan customer of… Share on X
“Business is a team sport. You really cannot do it by yourself. Start with a coach build a team and do it in a professional way.” - @allandib Share on X

If you want to acquire new leads and grow your business consistently, you need marketing. And if you’re a small-to-medium-sized business with a limited budget, you need to be implementing direct response marketing. It’s key to your business success.